Faculty Senate to consider four resolutions at Nov. 4 meeting


The Faculty Senate is being asked to consider four proposed resolutions regarding the Statement of Student Rights and Responsibilities, modifications to the Standard Practice Guide, a censure of the Board of Regents, and accountability for gender-based violence and discrimination at U-M.

The group will meet from 3:15-5 p.m. Nov. 4 in University Hall in the Alexander G. Ruthven Building. Those wishing to attend in person are asked to register in advance. The meeting also will be livestreamed via Zoom.

The Faculty Senate, also known as the University Senate, is the overall central faculty governance organization at U-M with approximately 7,600 members. It includes tenured and tenure-track instructional faculty and research faculty, as well as librarians, clinical faculty, archivists, curators and lecturers I, II, III and IV with at least a 50% appointment, and deans and executive officers from all U-M campuses.

Senate members interested in speaking on any of the motions must fill out an online form by noon Nov. 1 to be considered.

A 72-hour voting period on the motions will begin at 5 p.m. Nov. 4. If each motion passes by a majority vote, the resulting resolutions would be advisory in nature and would not have an impact on the policies or operations of the university.

The first motion asks the regents to pause implementation of changes made in July to the SSRR that critics say were made without properly consulting faculty.

The second motion seeks the establishment of a committee of faculty representatives, elected by the Senate Assembly and tasked with reviewing and modifying SPGs, which govern employment of faculty and staff at U-M.

With the third motion, the Senate is being asked to censure — or formally express disapproval of — the Board of Regents, and requests that the regents meet with the Senate Assembly, the 77-member legislative arm of U-M’s central faculty governance system.

The fourth motion asks the university to devote more resources to the prevention of gender-based violence and to commit to an independent, annual audit, along with other measures.



  1. Parag Patil
    on October 30, 2024 at 5:37 am

    For those Faculty who love the University of Michigan, affirmative votes on these resolutions are as important as our elections next week. The fact that these resolutions—decisions of the Faculty as a whole—are only “advisory in nature” underscores the faculty’s lack of influence at Michigan. Yet, like America, the University functions best when it listens to its informed citizens. It’s high time for change at U-M.

  2. Silke-Maria Weineck
    on October 30, 2024 at 9:03 am

    this paragraph is wild: “ A 72-hour voting period on the motions will begin at 5 p.m. Nov. 4. If each motion passes by a majority vote, the resulting resolutions would be advisory in nature and would not have an impact on the policies or operations of the university.” “Advisory” does not, in fact, mean UM is barred from taken said advice.

    • Silke-Maria Weineck
      on October 30, 2024 at 9:04 am

      *taking said advice. surprising yo see have the house organ openly post “nya nya.”

      • Andrew Robbins
        on October 30, 2024 at 10:34 am

        at least they’re being honest, i guess.

  3. Michelle Fecteau
    on October 30, 2024 at 1:34 pm

    Perhaps it’s time to all faculty unionize. Just saying.

    • Michelle Fecteau
      on October 30, 2024 at 1:39 pm

      Forgive my typo. Perhaps it’s time all faculty unionize.

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