July 8, 2013
Neal Krause, Marshall H. Becker Collegiate Professor of Public Health, associate chair of Health Behavior and Health Education, and senior research scientist, Institute of Gerontology, is the 2013 recipient of the Gerontological Society of America’s Distinguished Career Contribution Award. Krause’s work focuses on stress and the resources people use, such as social relationships and religion,… -
July 8, 2013
Updated U-M website will emphasize improved functionality and design
The main U-M website — — will get a significant makeover later this summer to give the university a modern look with best-in-class navigation on a platform that adjusts automatically for any type of digital device.
July 8, 2013
University hosts office supply reuse event
Staff, faculty and local nonprofits are invited to browse gently used office supplies for free at an event hosted by U-M Waste Management Services, July 17-18.
July 8, 2013
U-M again improves rankings on college affordability lists
A newly released federal college affordability ranking shows U-M has — for the third straight year — one of the nation’s slowest rates of growth in net costs among the nation’s four-year public universities.
July 8, 2013
Schroeder re-elected to fill Police Department Oversight Committee union staff seat
Matthew Schroeder, a registered nurse at U-M Hospital, has won re-election as the union staff representative to the Police Department Oversight Committee. Schroeder will begin a new two-year term on July 1. He was elected by members of the following unions: the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), the International Union of… -
July 8, 2013
UMHS issues report on local community health needs, plan to address them
A new report issued by the U-M Health System shows the most pressing health needs of the local community, and lays out a plan for UMHS to help address them through a broad range of local initiatives. The new Community Health Needs Assessment and Implementation Plan, available at, helps UMHS fulfill the requirements of… -
July 8, 2013
MHealthy suggests people who sit for 60 should move for three
Many of us are sedentary at our work stations for hours at a time. Research suggests that sitting for long periods of time can contribute to higher risk for diabetes, obesity, heart attack and even cancer. If you find yourself sitting at your desk, in a meeting or at home for hours at a time,… -
July 8, 2013
James C. Snyder Professor Emeritus James C. Snyder, who served as interim dean of the Taubman College of Achitecture and Urban Planning from 1997-98, died June 24 at the age of 73 after an 18-year battle with cancer. Snyder taught at the Georgia Institute of Technology and the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee before joining U-M in… -
July 8, 2013
Mimicking venomous snakes: untangling the history of deceptive coloration
Red on yellow, kill a fellow. Red on black, friend of Jack. That folk rhyme is supposed to help people distinguish venomous coral snakes from several non-venomous “mimics,” animals that discourage predators by deceptively imitating a dangerous species. An adult ground snake from Cochise County, Arizona. Adult ground snakes grow to a length of about… -
July 8, 2013
Subconscious prejudice does not influence white opinion about Obama
A subconscious prejudice against blacks may not have an effect on how whites feel about President Obama or policies intended to benefit blacks, a new study indicates. “These findings differ from previous research, which suggested that subconscious negative attitudes toward blacks — also referred to as “implicit prejudice” — eroded the white vote for Obama…