
  1. January 24, 1994

    Lichter named Isadore Lampe Professor of Radiation Oncology

    Allen S. Lichter, professor and chair of the Department of Radiation Oncology, has been named the Isadore Lampe Professor of Radiation Oncology by the Regents. The professorship honors Lampe, a pioneer in the field of radiation therapy, who pursued his career at the U-M for 43 years until his retirement in 1975. The professorship was…
  2. January 24, 1994

    ECB panelists reveal techniques that get students to think about multiculturalism

    By John Woodford Executive Editor, Michigan Today Four panelists from the English Composition Board (ECB) described to a Martin Luther King Jr. Day audience in the Anderson Room of the Michigan Union techniques they use and issues they raise to encourage students to think and write about aspects of multiculturalism. Initially, the discussion focused on…
  3. January 24, 1994


    Law School grad program presents brown-bag series The Law School Graduate Program will present a series of brown-bag lectures this term. Upcoming are: “Nigeria: Transition to Anarchy? Resolving the Dilemma of Military Intervention,” Philip Akakwam, assistant lecturer, University of Nigeria, and U-M law student, Wed. (Jan. 26). “Judicial Review of Administrative Action in China: Practice,…
  4. January 24, 1994

    An open letter to Campus and Community

    I wish to thank the campus and community for a successful 1994 Martin Luther King Jr. (MLK) Day celebration. The events of the Symposium sponsored by the Office of the Vice Provost for Academic and Multicultural Affairs and the many speakers, workshops and exhibits arranged by campus units addressed the issues that characterized and revitalized…
  5. January 24, 1994

    Muir named Campaign interim director

    Roy E. Muir, associate vice president for development, will become interim executive director of The Campaign for Michigan Feb. 1, heading Campaign efforts while the University continues its search for a new vice president for development. He succeeds Joe Roberson, who will become director of athletics on that date. In announcing the appointment, President James…
  6. January 24, 1994

    Berry: We need right mix of good public policy and self help

    By Kate Kellogg News and Information Services Had Martin Luther King’s fight for justice not abruptly ended in 1968, what would he be saying and doing to further that fight today? The pattern of King’s life suggests many possibilities, according to Mary Frances Berry, U-M alumna and head of the U.S. Civil Rights Commission. For…
  7. January 24, 1994

    Melman: veil ‘a metaphor for female independence’

    By Bernie DeGroat News and Information Services Although Western society still perpetuates the mythical subservience of women in the Middle East and India, the veil and harem—traditional symbols of subjugation—have been used as metaphors for female independence, according to a visiting scholar. “Western women, in particular, have thought there were freedoms behind the veil that…
  8. January 17, 1994

    U moves one step closer to smoke-free campus

    The Executive Officers have endorsed a draft policy that will “begin to work toward a smoke-free campus in 1994.” The proposed policy is in response to strong evidence presented by the Environmental Protection Agency and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health on the potential for carcinogenic exposure of workers to environmental tobacco smoke.…
  9. January 17, 1994

    Remembering Martin Luther King Jr.

    The University commemorates the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. today (Jan. 17) with dozens of symposium- and unit-sponsored events. Classes have been suspended and supervisors are encouraged to provide release time for staff to attend programs of interest to them. The symposium opens at 10:30 a.m. at Hill Auditorium with a keynote speech by…
  10. January 17, 1994

    LS&A efforts to improve undergrad education gain momentum

    By Mary Jo Frank LS&A has come “a long way in raising the priority and presence of undergraduate education over the past four and one-half years,” Dean Edie N. Goldenberg told her colleagues at last Monday’s LS&A faculty meeting. As part of an update on LS&A’s Undergraduate Initiative, Goldenberg announced two programs designed to improve…