All Headlines

  1. November 9, 1992

    Cohen to deliver Winkelman Lecture

    Gene D. Cohen, acting director of the National Institute on Aging, will deliver the 13th annual Winkelman Memorial Lecture at 4 p.m. Thursday (Nov. 12) in Rackham Amphitheater. Cohen will discuss “Understanding Creative Potential in Later Life: Impact on Research, Practice and Policy.” A specialist in geriatric psychiatry, Cohen has held a number of national…
  2. November 9, 1992

    Endowed Business School chair honors Edward Frey

    The Frey Foundation, the eighth largest foundation in Michigan, has made a gift of $1.2 million to the School of Business Administration. The gift will establish the Edward J. Frey Professorship of Banking, pending approval by the Regents. The professorship honors Grand Rapids native Edward John Frey Sr., who for 31 years headed one of…
  3. November 9, 1992

    Register now for Feb. 26 people of color career conference

    By Rebecca A. Doyle Advance registration forms are now available for the 11th annual Career Conference for People of Color, which will be held Feb. 26. This year’s conference theme is “Globally Pulling our Cultures Together: Positioning Ourselves to Empower, Impact and Excel.” The deadline for advance registration is Dec. 4. This year there is…
  4. November 9, 1992

    Allen is visiting fellow at Humanities Institute

    From the Institute for the Humanities Paula Gunn Allen, poet, novelist and short-story writer from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), and one of the country’s most visible representatives of Native American culture, will be on campus for two weeks this month. She will be a visiting fellow at the Institute for the Humanities,…
  5. November 9, 1992

    Russian artists suggest alternative uses for political monuments

    By Kate Kellogg News and Information Services A neon sign above Lenin’s tomb could flash useful information bulletins for Russian citizens, as well as brighten up the monument. Miniature sculptures of the leader of the Russian revolution lend themselves to household uses, such as candleholders, to serve “an enlightened people.” Russian emigre artists Vitaly Komar…
  6. November 9, 1992

    School of Education gets first endowed chair

    By Deborah Gilbert News and Information Services An endowed professorship in reading and literacy will be established at the School of Education by Jean and Charles R. Walgreen Jr. Walgreen, the retired chairman of the Walgreen Co., received a degree in pharmaceutical chemistry from the U-M in 1928. The endowed professorship, which will be funded…
  7. November 2, 1992

    M-CARE designs new health insurance plan for graduate students

    By Jane R. Elgass Beginning Jan. 1, 1993, certain groups of graduate students will be able to enroll in a health insurance plan that has been tailored to meet their special needs. Called GradCare, the program has been developed by M-CARE and will be available on a group basis to newly appointed graduate student research…
  8. November 2, 1992


    Shien-Ming Wu Shien-Ming Wu, the J. Reid and Polly Anderson Professor of Manufacturing Technology, died of complications from heart surgery on Oct. 28 at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital. He was 68 years old. An internationally known researcher in the fields of manufacturing engineering and dynamic systems analysis, Wu created and defined the modern field of…
  9. November 2, 1992

    Search begins for research vice president; Kelly will retire this summer

    By Jane R. Elgass The appointment of an 11-member advisory committee to assist in the search for a new vice president for research has been announced by President James J. Duderstadt. William C. Kelly, who has been vice president since January 1990, will retire from the post this summer. “Dr. Kelly has served the University…
  10. November 2, 1992

    WUOM fund drive starts Nov. 10

    By Harriet Teller Michigan Radio Michigan Radio will begin its 10-day Autumn Drive on Nov. 10. This year’s drive has a goal of $160,000. While Michigan Radio is a broadcast service of the University, contributions from listeners cover almost 40 percent of the station’s operating expenses. “Fund raising is very serious business and crucial to…