July 6, 1993
Three U-M undergraduate minority students have won National Science Foundation (NSF) Incentives for Excellence Scholarship Prizes for outstanding academic achievement. The recipients and amounts awarded: Tanya M. Clay, a sophomore in political science, $1,000; Richard A. Foshee and Tahesha L. Paige, both sophomores in electrical engineering, $500 each. Since 1987, the NSF has given scholarship…
July 6, 1993
A $589 million operating expense budget for the U-M Hospitals was approved by the Regents at their June meeting. In the 1993–94 budget, effective July 1, the acute care daily room rate remains at $525 for the second year. This amount reflects a 21 percent reduction from the rate of two years ago. The average…
July 6, 1993
Editor’s Note: The following actions were taken by the Regents at their June meeting. Units can borrow funds for equipment purchases The Regents authorized the University to use a small portion of its working capital to lend money to U-M units for equipment purchases. “The reasons for considering this idea,” Vice President Farris W. Womack…
July 6, 1993
Nine faculty members were given the emeritus title by the Regents at their June meeting. Those retiring are: Norman E. Barnett, professor of architecture Barnett, who joined the U-M architecture faculty in 1967, taught senior and graduate level courses in architectural acoustics and architectural photography. “He was instrumental in the development of the environmental technology…
July 6, 1993
Total quality is not a “foreign body” to higher education, but rather actually owes it roots to the U-M, where much of the early research on quality initiatives was done, according to Robert L. Kahn. Kahn told the Regents at their June meeting that there are two main “bloodlines” in research on quality, one involving…
July 6, 1993
The next program in the television series “Conversations with President Duderstadt” will air nine times later this month on Ann Arbor Community Access Television (Channel 9). “Conversations” focuses on strategic issues affecting the University in particular and higher education in general. This program will focus on the arts. Joining Duderstadt will be Paul C. Boylan,…
July 6, 1993
Members of the Council on Continuous Improvement are: Paula Allen-Meares, School of Social Work dean; Daniel E. Atkins III, School of Information and Library Studies dean; Peter M. Banks, College of Engineering dean; Robert M. Beckley, College of Architecture and Urban Planning dean; Giles G. Bole Jr., Medical School dean; Lee C. Bollinger, Law School…
July 6, 1993
A reorganization of the two groups that provide overall guidance for the University’s M-Quality initiative has given the Executive Officers and others an opportunity “to focus on continuous improvement within the University as a way of helping all of us infuse this principle into other settings, into our units, and into the way we approach…
July 6, 1993
Included in the Regents’ exploration of the University’s M-Quality initiative at their June meeting were presentations on the activities of three quality improvement teams: LS&A/Employment and Staff Development Quality Improvement Team, Work Safe/Be Well Team and Perscrutari Team in Anesthesiology. Barbara G. Murphy and Philip A. Smith, co-leaders of the LS&A team, noted that theirs…
July 6, 1993
By Jane R. Elgass Their messages were short, sweet and similar: salary, salary, salary. Chairs of the Committees on the Economic Status of the Faculty (CESF) for each of the U-M’s campuses urged the Regents at their June meeting to develop “appropriate “ salary programs for faculty this year. “CESF believes wholeheartedly that a salary…