Health questionnaire offers path to well-being plan


It’s typical for well-being needs to change over time. And now that spring has arrived, many are taking the opportunity to focus on their health and think about current needs.

MHealthy’s annual health questionnaire can help.

“Being healthy can mean something different for each of us,” said Preeti Malani, U-M’s chief health officer. “The confidential health questionnaire is a way to learn what’s important to you right now.”

The questionnaire takes about 10 minutes to complete. Based on responses, participants:

  • See what is going well: Results indicate what well-being areas are thriving. It is an opportunity to celebrate strengths and stay on the right track.
  • Find out what areas need attention: Results also include recommendations to help focus in on health areas that fit the individual’s needs right now.
  • Get a personalized list of recommendations: This tailored list may include resources for goal setting, financial well-being, sleep, mental and emotional well-being, nutrition, physical activity and more.

The questionnaire is available on the MHealthy Portal, powered by Asset Health. Active benefits-eligible faculty and staff and their spouse/other qualified adult enrolled in a U-M health plan can access it using their level 1 password. Personal information is kept private and confidential.


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