April 18, 2014
Prolonged and heavy bleeding during menopause is common
Women going through menopause most likely think of it as the time for an end to predictable monthly periods. Researchers at the University of Michigan say it’s normal, however, for the majority of them to experience an increase in the amount and duration of bleeding episodes, which may occur at various times throughout the menopausal transition.
April 18, 2014
Moth study suggests hidden climate change impacts
A 32-year study of subarctic forest moths in Finnish Lapland suggests that scientists may be underestimating the impacts of climate change on animals and plants because much of the harm is hidden from view.
April 18, 2014
Genes increase stress of social disadvantage for some children
Genes amplify the stress of harsh environments for some children and magnify the advantage of supportive environments for other children, according to a study that’s one of the first to document how genes interacting with social environments affect biomarkers of stress.
April 18, 2014
Men, women in more satisfying relationships have lower testosterone
Many people assume that the more testosterone, the better, but a new University of Michigan study finds that might not always be the case in romantic relationships.
April 18, 2014
New Tweetment: Twitter users describe real-time migraine agony
Someone’s drilling an icicle into your temple, you’re throwing up, and light and sound are unbearable. Yes, it’s another migraine attack. But now in 140 characters on Twitter, you can share your agony with other sufferers. It indicates a trend toward the cathartic sharing of physical pain, as well as emotional pain on social media.… -
April 11, 2014
Cable guys: Male identity evolves on TV dramas
Male characters on television used to hold onto traditional ideas of masculinity tighter than viewers maintained their grip on remote controls. But the gradual infusion of feminism into U.S. society and TV scripts in recent decades has changed gender roles in how men regard fatherhood and marriage, a University of Michigan researcher says.
April 11, 2014
Here to stay: Less fuel use by U.S. drivers
Despite U.S. population growth, fuel consumption by American drivers of light-duty vehicles is now lower than it was 15 years ago, a University of Michigan researcher says.
April 10, 2014
‘Body hack’ app by math researchers shortcuts jet-lag recovery
U-M mathematicians have created a different kind of jet-lag mobile app to help travelers snap their internal clocks to new time zones as efficiently as possible.
March 28, 2014
Education, finances affect risk of heart disease more for women than men
Low levels of education and financial assets have long been linked to increased risks of cardiovascular disease. But a new University of Michigan study shows that the association is much greater for middle-aged and older women than it is for men of similar ages.
March 28, 2014
The circadian clock is like an orchestra with many conductors
Life runs on rhythms driven by circadian clocks, and disruption of these cycles is associated with serious physical and emotional problems, says Orie Shafer, a University of Michigan assistant professor of molecular, cellular and developmental biology.