
  1. January 9, 2014

    Planes, trains and automobiles: Traveling by car uses most energy

    Fuel economy must improve 57 percent in order for light-duty vehicles to match the current energy efficiency of commercial airline flights, a U-M researcher says.

  2. January 8, 2014

    Millions of lives saved since surgeon general’s 1964 tobacco warning

    An estimated 8 million lives have been saved in the United States as a result of smoking measures that began 50 years ago this month, according to a Yale-led study co-authored by three U-M School of Public Health researchers.

  3. January 7, 2014

    U-M reaches milestone in transferring Native American remains

    U-M has completed the transfer of nearly half of its collections of Native American human remains and cultural objects from burial sites in Michigan to tribes that lived in the areas where they were found.

  4. December 18, 2013

    Teen smoking continues to decline in 2013, annual survey shows

    Smoking among teens in grades eight, 10 and 12 continued to decline in 2013, the annual Monitoring the Future survey shows.

    • 44 percent of adults worry e-cigarettes will encourage kids to start smoking tobacco, a new UMHS poll shows.

  5. December 18, 2013

    Study indicates teens more cautious about using synthetic drugs

    The use of synthetic marijuana by the nation’s teens dropped substantially this year, and a sharply increasing proportion of them see great risk in using so-called “bath salts,” according to the annual Monitoring the Future study.

  6. December 13, 2013

    Many older Americans rely on people, devices, other strategies to get by

    Only about a third of Americans ages 65 and older are fully able to take care of themselves and go about their daily lives completely independently, according to a new study published online in the American Journal of Public Health.

  7. December 13, 2013

    Happiness results in fewer doctor visits

    An apple a day may keep the doctor away, but happiness may be the best prescription, says a University of Michigan researcher.

  8. December 13, 2013

    Limited food may be significantly changing Great Lakes ecosystems

    Declines of the food resources that feed lake organisms are likely causing dramatic changes in the Great Lakes, according to a new study.

  9. December 13, 2013

    U-M researchers: Turn down the volume

    As the nation continues to focus on health care prevention through reform, one cause of serious illness and even death gets ignored — environmental noise pollution.

  10. December 13, 2013

    More evidence links lack of adult males to violent youth

    In areas where adult men are scarce, young people are 36 percent more likely to commit assaults, a research team led by the University of Michigan School of Public Health has shown.