
  1. April 11, 2014

    Cable guys: Male identity evolves on TV dramas

    Male characters on television used to hold onto traditional ideas of masculinity tighter than viewers maintained their grip on remote controls. But the gradual infusion of feminism into U.S. society and TV scripts in recent decades has changed gender roles in how men regard fatherhood and marriage, a University of Michigan researcher says.

  2. April 11, 2014

    Here to stay: Less fuel use by U.S. drivers

    Despite U.S. population growth, fuel consumption by American drivers of light-duty vehicles is now lower than it was 15 years ago, a University of Michigan researcher says.

  3. April 10, 2014

    ‘Body hack’ app by math researchers shortcuts jet-lag recovery

    U-M mathematicians have created a different kind of jet-lag mobile app to help travelers snap their internal clocks to new time zones as efficiently as possible.

  4. March 28, 2014

    Education, finances affect risk of heart disease more for women than men

    Low levels of education and financial assets have long been linked to increased risks of cardiovascular disease. But a new University of Michigan study shows that the association is much greater for middle-aged and older women than it is for men of similar ages.

  5. March 28, 2014

    The circadian clock is like an orchestra with many conductors

    Life runs on rhythms driven by circadian clocks, and disruption of these cycles is associated with serious physical and emotional problems, says Orie Shafer, a University of Michigan assistant professor of molecular, cellular and developmental biology. 

  6. March 28, 2014

    Public support wanes for state climate change policies

    Public support for some state climate change policies such as increasing fossil fuel taxes has significantly declined in the past five years, according to a University of Michigan survey.

  7. March 28, 2014

    Mentally challenging jobs may keep your mind sharp long after retirement

    A mentally demanding job may stress you out today but can provide important benefits after you retire, according to a new study.

  8. March 21, 2014

    Warmer temperatures push malaria to higher elevations

    Researchers have debated for more than two decades the likely impacts, if any, of global warming on the worldwide incidence of malaria, a mosquito-borne disease that infects more than 300 million people each year.

  9. March 21, 2014

    Mexican-Americans deal with high stroke rates

    Mexican-Americans suffer more damage from stroke than non-Hispanic whites but they survive longer.

  10. March 21, 2014

    A picture is worth a thousand smells

    Looking at a picture of a chocolate chip cookie fresh from the oven, you can almost smell it. With a picture and some suggestions it turns out you virtually can, according to new research from University of Michigan marketing professor Aradhna Krishna.