Campus News
February 26, 2014
New time reporting schedule for monthly-paid employees
Effective March 1, all monthly-paid campus researchers and staff who complete timesheets will begin reporting their exception time in the month in which it occurs.
February 25, 2014
University faces federal Title IX investigation
The Office for Civil Rights in the U.S. Department of Education says it will investigate whether U-M “failed to promptly and equitably respond to complaints, reports, and/or incidents of sexual violence of which it had notice … and, as a result, students were subjected to a sexually hostile environment.”
February 24, 2014
Engineering professor promotes charity, healthy competition
Every holiday season, the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering becomes the scene of an intense competition. The departmental tradition, now in its 17th year, pits faculty and staff against students in a passionately battled food drive, organized by Steve Wright, Arthur F. Thurnau Professor and professor of civil and environmental engineering, College of Engineering.
February 24, 2014
UROP celebrates 25 years of undergraduate research
The Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program in LSA will celebrate its 25th anniversary with a symposium March 14.
February 24, 2014
Campus briefs
News from around the university.
February 24, 2014
Larson to discuss shapeable materials in technology, biology
Ronald Larson will offer a Distinguished University Professor lecture covering his wide-ranging expertise in the area of complex fluids on March 10.
February 24, 2014
MHealthy offers new webinar-based weight loss program
Registration now is open for “Ready to Lose,” MHealthy’s new, free 24-week webinar-based weight-loss program.
February 20, 2014
Regents approve improvements to Mitchell Field
The Board of Regents on Thursday approved major improvements to Elmer D. Mitchell Field, a Recreational Sports facility for intramural and club sports.
February 20, 2014
Regents Roundup — February 2014
A roundup of other items that were approved or presented at Thursday’s Board of Regents meeting.
February 20, 2014
Kinsey appointed assistant vice president for research
Jon Kinsey has been appointed to the position of assistant vice president for research — research initiatives in the U-M Office of Research, effective March 1.