Campus News
November 30, 2022
U-M team recycles previously unrecyclable plastic
PVC, or polyvinyl chloride, is one of the most produced plastics in the United States and the third highest by volume in the world. U-M researchers have discovered a way to chemically recycle PVC into usable material.
November 29, 2022
U-M’s expertise uniquely positioned to address housing crisis
Access to quality housing is essential to our well-being and the gateway to resources. Unfortunately, this basic necessity remains out of reach for far too many families.
November 29, 2022
‘Transformer’ pinwheels offer twist on nano-engineered materials
A newly discovered pinwheel structure may enable unique material properties that could be useful in areas like machine vision, armor, chemical and biological sensing, and more.
November 29, 2022
U-M launches firearm injury prevention open online course
The Center for Academic Innovation launched a new firearm injury prevention online course recently that offers the most comprehensive, free, evidence-based online learning opportunity in this field of study to date.
November 22, 2022
University reports new inventions, startups during FY ’22
U-M solidified its position as a global leader in translating academic research and technology for broad societal impact during fiscal year 2021-22, generating 433 new inventions and 16 new startup companies.
November 22, 2022
Record print, email editions taking a break for Thanksgiving
The University Record’s online and print editions will take a break over the Thanksgiving holiday. There will be no print edition the week of Nov. 28. The Record email will resume Nov. 30.
November 21, 2022
Ono seeks faculty members’ input about U-M’s future
While sharing his ideas and strategies for the University of Michigan’s future, President Santa J. Ono told U-M faculty members that he wants to hear their ideas as well.
November 21, 2022
REMINDER: Public Engagement Faculty Fellowship applications due soon
Applications for the 2023 cohort of the Public Engagement Faculty Fellowship are due by 11:59 p.m. Dec. 1. Selected fellows work in partnership with units across campus to foster faculty public engagement.
November 21, 2022
Advisory committee named for School of Information dean search
Provost Laurie K. McCauley has named a 14-member advisory committee to assist the search for the next dean of the School of Information.
November 21, 2022
Consent begins Nov. 28 to receive Form 1095 electronically
Faculty and staff can consent starting Nov. 28 to receive their Form 1095 tax document electronically. If consent was given previously, that consent remains in effect and no further action is needed.