Campus News
March 14, 2023
Wege lecturer Mary Robinson ties climate crisis to injustice
Addressing the world’s climate crisis requires a people-centered approach that elevates positive climate work and connects climate change with injustice, Mary Robinson said during the Peter M. Wege Lecture on Sustainability.
March 13, 2023
Francis Medal recipient says nations must learn from pandemic
WHO director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, recipient of U-M’s Thomas Francis Jr. Medal in Global Public Health, said nations must learn from the mistakes made throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.
March 13, 2023
RNA Center Symposium to explore future of RNA therapeutics
The U-M Center for RNA Biomedicine will explore what biomedical applications might result from RNA research March 24 at its seventh annual symposium, “From Molecules to Medicines.”
March 13, 2023
New dashboard helps units monitor faculty, staff training
The new Training and Education Unified Dashboard provides units with an interactive and comparative view of training and educational outcomes for staff and faculty.
March 13, 2023
Four recommended for Spring Commencement honorary degrees
Wynton Marsalis, Mary Sue Coleman, Phil Hagerman and Dominique Morisseau, leaders in music, education, philanthropy and art, are being recommended for honorary degrees at Spring Commencement.
March 13, 2023
Eleven faculty members seeking three SACUA seats
Eleven people are running for three seats on the Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs, the body that advises and consults with the university’s executive officers on matters that affect faculty.
March 13, 2023
Homemade syrup a sweet upgrade to family tradition
Frank Marsik, lecturer IV in climate and space sciences and engineering in the College of Engineering, and his wife began collecting sap and making their own maple syrup in 2018.
March 13, 2023
Heritage Project — Me Too, circa 1970
A movement of sorts began at Jean Ledwith King’s modest house on the far west side of Ann Arbor early in 1970 when King and a handful of other women asserted that U-M should treat women the same as men.
March 13, 2023
Police Beat — February 2023
Police Beat and crime map for February 2023.
March 13, 2023
Obituary — James Ward Brown
James Ward Brown, had a long tenure as a professor of mathematics at UM-Dearborn, holding positions of assistant professor, associate professor, professor, and acting department chair, died Dec. 22, 2022.