February 2, 2015
Saturday Morning Physics returns with focus on planet, star formation
The popular Saturday Morning Physics series opens its winter program this Saturday with a presentation by Jon Miller, associate professor of astronomy, on accretion power.
January 26, 2015
Program helping young children learn to be makers
The School of Information’s Michigan Makers course gives U-M students practice with mentorship and helps elementary school students share the joy of making things by hand.
January 23, 2015
First residential MOOC for U-M students focuses on health care
The university’s first massive open online course aimed solely at U-M students focuses on “Understanding and Improving U.S. Healthcare.”
December 15, 2014
Internship to research chronic arsenic poisoning yields great lessons
School of Public Health master’s student Kate Helmick spent the summer gathering toenail and saliva samples in Ronphibun, Thailand, as part of a project to check for signs of chronic arsenic poisoning.
December 11, 2014
New minor in naval engineering now available
The College of Engineering has begun offering a minor in naval engineering for engineering, LSA or NROTC students interested in the marine industry but not majoring in it.
December 8, 2014
Doing away with lectures, exams, graded homework
Professor Steven Yalisove’s syllabus for his Materials Science and Engineering course says right up front: “No Lectures, no exams, and no graded homework — but you will learn much more …”
December 3, 2014
New U-M minor in entrepreneurship to start in January
An entrepreneurial education will be available to all U-M students beginning in January with a new 15-credit minor in entrepreneurship.
November 24, 2014
Faculty develop innovative teaching projects for U-M’s third century
The university has awarded three faculty groups funding under the first round of Transformation grants of the university’s Transforming Learning for a Third Century program.
November 18, 2014
U-M awarded more than $112,000 in Fulbright-Hays grants
Four doctoral students have received U.S. Department of Education Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad grants totaling $112,539.
November 17, 2014
Digital Education and Innovation leaders address office goals
In a Q&A interview, two leaders of the new Office of Digital Education and Innovation discuss the goals of the recently announced office.