Standard Practice Guide

  1. August 12, 2019

    Campus briefs

    Short news items from around the university.

  2. August 6, 2019

    New Standard Practice Guide provides more clarity around student fees

    In an effort to increase clarity, transparency and the accessibility of student fee information, U-M recently added to its Standard Practice Guide to clarify the process for reviewing and approving student fees.

  3. February 20, 2019

    Updated U-M policy allows web access limitations in narrow circumstances

    A revised U-M policy allowing, in limited circumstances, the blocking of websites that may contain offensive or pornographic content has been implemented by Michigan Medicine in clinical areas.

  4. February 14, 2019

    Town hall focuses on university’s new felony disclosure policy

    University faculty, students and community members gathered Wednesday to discuss a new university policy requiring employees to disclose felony charges or convictions.

  5. February 4, 2019

    New university policy requires disclosure of felonies

    Under a new university policy, faculty, staff, student employees, volunteers and visiting scholars are required to provide notification if they are charged with or convicted of a felony crime.

  6. October 26, 2018

    Information security policy revised and approved

    The revised U-M Information Security Policy was recently approved, along with a number of new Information Technology Standards, and will be phased in over the next two years.

  7. August 15, 2016

    University information technology policies

    Using information technology is integral to how the university conducts its business. The institution provides direction and guidance regarding the fundamental use of IT on its campuses through four channels.

  8. August 15, 2016

    Recently changed IT policies

    U-M executive officers recently approved changes to several IT policies in the Standard Practice Guide.

  9. August 15, 2016

    University to revise information technology security policy

    U-M is revising its information technology security policy to establish a single, comprehensive IT security and information assurance program for all three campuses and the Health System.

  10. May 26, 2015

    New SPG focuses on fitness for duty for faculty members

    A new standard practice guide spells out the criteria and process for considering the timely, administrative review of a faculty member unable to perform the essential functions of a faculty position, despite reasonable accommodations.