Institute for Social Research

  1. May 24, 2017

    Political violence gets under kids’ skin — and may stay

    When children are victims of political violence, they tend to become more aggressive with their peers, and that aggression tends to linger as they age, according to a U-M study.

  2. May 24, 2017

    Black youth, teen girls, see slower decline in frequent binge drinking

    U-M researchers have found the proportion of teens who frequently binge drink has declined, but that decline is slower among black youth, adolescent girls and adolescents of a low socioeconomic status.

  3. April 4, 2017

    UMOR to honor six staff members for outstanding research service

    Six U-M staff members will be recognized for outstanding research service with the Research Technical Staff Recognition Award, Research Administrator Recognition Award and Office of Research Exceptional Service Award.

  4. February 14, 2017

    High-intensity drinking rates highest among college students

    A recent Institute for Social Research study has found that high-intensity drinking — 10 or more drinks on a single occasion — is reported mostly among college students.

  5. February 9, 2017

    Most people use their cell phones to pass time waiting, study shows

    When queued up for an event, to buy a latte or waiting for a bus, a majority people turn to their phones to pass the time, a U-M researcher determined in a new study.

  6. January 30, 2017

    Engaging youth is key to understanding terrorism, researchers say

    Engaging with youth involved in or susceptible to violent extremism is key in helping the U.S. government understand — and combat— terrorist groups, U-M researchers say.

  7. January 9, 2017

    Junot Diaz to give Institute for Social Research lecture

    Renowned author Junot Diaz will deliver the 2017 Institute for Social Research MLK Lecture at noon Jan. 18 in the Rackham Auditorium. He is author of “Drown,” “This is How You Lose Her” and  “The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao,” which won the 2008 Pulitzer Prize.

  8. October 28, 2016

    Long-term fright reactions extend beyond scary movies, TV shows

    A new U-M study shows different media platforms, such as social media, the internet and nonfictional media are creating frightened reactions that can have long-term effects.

  9. October 28, 2016

    Survey shows public interest in science high, literacy constant

    While public interest in science continues to grow, the level of U.S. scientific literacy remains largely unchanged, according to a survey by the Institute for Social Research.

  10. October 26, 2016

    Poor young women at greater risk of unintended pregnancies

    Poor women have fewer but longer relationships, use contraceptives less frequently and use less effective methods than women from more advantaged backgrounds, a new U-M study shows.