
  1. April 15, 2013

    A better single-photon emitter for quantum cryptography

    In a development that could make the advanced form of secure communications known as quantum cryptography more practical, U-M researchers have demonstrated a simpler, more efficient single-photon emitter that can be made using traditional semiconductor processing techniques. Single-photon emitters release one particle of light, or photon, at a time, as opposed to devices like lasers…
  2. April 15, 2013

    What remains of Mars’ atmosphere is still dynamic

    Mars has lost much of its original atmosphere, but what’s left remains active, according to recent findings from NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity that involve a U-M researcher. Rover team members reported diverse findings recently at the European Geosciences Union 2013 General Assembly, in Vienna, Austria. Evidence has strengthened this month that Mars lost much of…
  3. April 15, 2013

    Green Pea galaxies could help astronomers understand early universe

    The rare Green Pea galaxies discovered by the general public in 2007 could help confirm astronomers’ understanding of reionization, a pivotal stage in the evolution of the early universe, U-M researchers say. Reionization occurred a few hundred million years after the Big Bang, as the first stars were turning on and forming the first galaxies.…
  4. April 8, 2013

    Old school: U-M in History

    The Warrior Scholar

  5. April 8, 2013

    Evocative exhibit, town hall foster conversation about race at U-M

    A two-month-long campuswide project promoting a deeper, meaningful conversation about race, identity and diversity will culminate April 18 in an exhibit on the Diag and a town hall meeting hosted by journalist Michele Norris.

  6. April 8, 2013

    International seminars engage undergraduates in global concerns

    Dr. Sofia Merajver’s class on global health ethics is among seven presented through LSA's Michigan International Seminars for Undergraduates. It is part of an effort to promote global learning and engagement.

  7. April 8, 2013

    Chinnaiyan honored with Distinguished University Innovator Award for 2013

    Dr. Arul Chinnaiyan has been selected to receive the Distinguished University Innovator Award for 2013.

  8. April 8, 2013

    Annual e-waste recycling event set for April 25-27

    Broken or unwanted electronics can be disposed of in an earth-friendly way at the free e-waste recycling event sponsored by U-M and Ann Arbor Public Schools, April 25-27.

  9. April 8, 2013

    U-M part of clinical trial to use adult cells to grow human bone

    Preparations are under way for the first known human trial to use embryonic-like stem cells collected from adult cells to grow bone.

  10. April 8, 2013

    More offices seek Sustainable Workplace certification

    Months after launching a program to transform offices into greener workplaces, the Office of Campus Sustainability is busy providing nearly 40 campus units with eco-friendly recommendations.