April 15, 2013
Police beat
March 2013 Crime map > Burglaries at two Northwood Apartments Two apartment doors in the 1700 block of Murfin Avenue were found broken into March 6. The residents were away for spring break. Two televisions, a camera, two watches, a Kindle eReader and cash reportedly were taken sometime between 8 p.m. March 1 and 8… -
April 15, 2013
Campus Memorial to be conducted Tuesday
Friends, family members, and campus partners are invited to attend a memorial program to honor the lives and accomplishments of student members of the Michigan family who have died during this academic year. The 2013 Campus Memorial is scheduled for 1:30 p.m. Tuesday in the Pendleton Room in the Michigan Union. A light reception will… -
April 15, 2013
Daphne Watkins, assistant professor of social work and faculty associate at the Research Center for Group Dynamics and the Institute for Social Research, has been elected president of the American Men’s Studies Association. Watkins is the first female president since the association’s inception in 1991. It advances the development of teaching, research and clinical practice in the field of men’s studies. -
April 8, 2013
Research on happiness is grounded in family
Photo courtesy Huda Akil Family always has been important to Dr. Huda Akil, but she didn’t think it would affect her research as co-director of the Molecular and Behavioral Neuroscience Institute until she spent the day at a park with her granddaughter, Sophie. Akil, a Distinguished University Professor and Quarton Professor of Neurosciences in the… -
April 8, 2013
Peer pressure may boost effectiveness of weight-loss rewards
A growing number of companies are offering employees an opportunity to boost earning power at work via cash incentives to stay healthy. Under the Affordable Care Act, employers soon will be able to offer even larger financial incentives to prod healthy lifestyle behaviors among their work force, such as quitting smoking and losing weight. Kullgren… -
April 8, 2013
Don't miss: Men’s Glee Club performs ‘Music of the Americas’
The Men’s Glee Club “Music of the Americas” concert at 8 p.m. Saturday at Hill Auditorium features music ranging from the American Revolution to pieces composed this year, performed by one of the oldest collegiate choruses in the United States, founded in 1859. Concert highlights include Professor Emeritus George Shirley singing a new work by… -
April 8, 2013
Soils in newly forested areas could help offset climate change
Surface appearances can be so misleading: In most forests, the amount of carbon held in soils is substantially greater than the amount contained in the trees themselves. If you’re a land manager trying to assess the potential of forests to offset carbon emissions and climate change by soaking up atmospheric carbon and storing it, what’s… -
April 8, 2013
Dr. Samuel M. Silver, assistant dean for research and professor of internal medicine in the Division of Hematology/Oncology, Medical School, and member of the Comprehensive Cancer Center, has been elected chairman of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network board of directors. A recognized leader in the field of oncology, Silver has been elected a master of the American College… -
April 8, 2013
Old school: U-M in History
The Warrior Scholar
April 8, 2013
Evocative exhibit, town hall foster conversation about race at U-M
A two-month-long campuswide project promoting a deeper, meaningful conversation about race, identity and diversity will culminate April 18 in an exhibit on the Diag and a town hall meeting hosted by journalist Michele Norris.