
  1. July 27, 2009

    Music is the engine of new U-M lab-on-a-chip device

    Music, rather than electromechanical valves, can drive experimental samples through a lab-on-a-chip in a new system developed at U-M. This development could significantly simplify the process of conducting experiments in microfluidic devices. A paper on the research was published online last week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. A lab-on-a-chip, or microfluidic…
  2. July 27, 2009

    Fall driving more hazardous than summer or winter

    While many believe summer is the most dangerous season on U.S. roads because motorists tend to drive faster, drink more alcohol and drive more often for leisure, a new report by the university suggests otherwise. Fatality crash rates are highest in the fall, with October at the top of the list (10.2 deaths per billion…
  3. July 27, 2009

    U-M eyes role in proposed commuter rail projects

    Imagine relaxing and reading as you ride to work on a commuter train. Forget about rush hour traffic and rising gas prices. Employees hop off a train and take a bus to their campus destinations. This scenario — a proposed regional rail project — is one of the options Parking & Transportation Services (PTS) is…
  4. July 27, 2009

    U-M joins Yellow Ribbon Program to benefit student veterans

    Additional information about veteran’s services at U-M campuses Ann Arbor: www.vets.umich.eduDearborn: Matthew Swanson and his family arrived in Ann Arbor a little more than a year ago on a grand new adventure: He was beginning the MBA program at the Stephen M. Ross School of Business. Originally from Evansville, Ind., Matthew found the…
  5. July 27, 2009

    Reprint agreement will make U-M rare books widely available

    The university will make thousands of books that no longer are in copyright — including rare and one-of-a-kind titles — available as reprints on demand under a new agreement with BookSurge, part of the group of companies. The agreement gives the public a unique opportunity to buy reprints of a wide range of titles…
  6. July 27, 2009

    Town hall meetings collect input on future IT structure

    More online More than 200 campus information technology professionals attended three Stakeholder Town Hall Meetings on June 26 and 29. The participants learned about and discussed the future of IT at U-M. Feedback will be combined with that of two additional stakeholder town halls, one that was held July 22 and another planned for…
  7. July 27, 2009

    Researchers study change in Great Lakes

    Watch U-M scientists cruise Lake Michigan to research the spread of invasive mussels > Read a magazine-length article about the diporeia study in this month’s edition of Michigan Today, an online magazine for U-M alumni > Learn more about the Great Lakes and the quagga mussel > The Great Lakes are in the midst of…
  8. July 27, 2009

    Virtualization as a Service offered throughout campus

    See a full list of virtualization’s benefits and features > Development is in the air with changes in the campus IT structure, and one new program is the launch of Virtualization as a Service (VaaS) for departments. Virtualization has been in place on a limited basis for several years, but now it is being offered…
  9. July 27, 2009

    Knowing Alzheimer’s risk doesn’t lead to long-term depression

    When people learn they are predisposed to Alzheimer’s disease, any depression or anxiety is not long lasting, a new study indicates. These findings help address a longstanding debate about whether learning such information might cause lasting psychological harm, at least among those with a family history of Alzheimer’s disease, says Scott Roberts, a researcher at…
  10. July 27, 2009

    Don’t miss: Art and intellectual ferment celebrated in exhibit, lecture

    Natsu Oyobe, U-M Museum of Art research curator of Asian art, presents a lecture introducing the exhibit “Treasures Rediscovered: Chinese Stone Sculpture” at 5 p.m. Thursday in the UMMA’s Alfred Taubman Gallery II. The exhibit presents 22 Chinese stone sculptures from the Han Dynasty (206 BCE-220 CE) through the Tang Dynasty (618-907 CE). The group…