
  1. February 1, 2010

    Don’t miss : Southern species invasion suggests strong warming trend

    The northern part of Michigan is being overrun by southern invaders, according to scientific data to be presented in the public lecture “Signs of a Warming Climate: Is It Later Than We Think?” The talk by Philip Myers will be at 5 p.m. Feb. 3 at the Exhibit Museum of Natural History, 1109 Geddes Ave.…
  2. February 1, 2010

    National study provides snapshot of U-M incoming class of 2009

    Each year since 1993,U-M at Ann Arbor participates in the Cooperative Institutional Research Program national survey of students who are beginning their undergraduate studies. This year, the Class of 2009 answered questions about the economy, college choice, political perspective and community engagement.

  3. February 1, 2010

    Med schools need to recruit underrepresented minorities

    The number of underrepresented minorities among U.S. medical school faculty remains low, even as the U.S. population becomes increasingly diverse. And the level of underrepresented minorities currently being trained in medicine is unlikely to reverse those trends, according to a U-M analysis and commentary published this month in the journal Gastroenterology. Underrepresented minorities that were…
  4. February 1, 2010

    First Informatics major graduates from U-M

    In December, Lauren Fine became the first graduate of the interdisciplinary Informatics program, a collaboration among LSA, the College of Engineering and the School of Information. Today 58 students are enrolled in the four-year major with a strong foundation in mathematics, statistics, computer science and social research methodology.

  5. February 1, 2010


    Award Professor Robert Griess Jr. has received the 2010 American Mathematical Society Leroy P. Steele Prize for a Seminal Contribution to Research. Presented annually by the AMS, the Steele Prize is one of the highest distinctions in mathematics. Griess was honored for his construction of the “Monster” sporadic finite simple group, which he first announced…
  6. February 1, 2010

    Arbor Day Foundation names U a Tree Campus USA institution

    U-M’s dedication to environmental stewardship on its campus has resulted in it being named a 2009 Tree Campus USA institution by the Arbor Day Foundation. In a letter to President Mary Sue Coleman, foundation Chief Executive John Rosenow cites the university’s formation of a Campus Tree Advisory Committee, dedicated expenditures toward a Campus Tree Care…
  7. February 1, 2010

    Photo: “Highlights of Recent Acquisitions” at Hatcher

    A photo of Helen Bidwell and Betty Schwingel hitchhiking in the 1920s is among items presented in the Special Collections Library exhibit “Highlights of Recent Acquisitions” at the Harlan Hatcher Graduate Library. The recently acquired items include Mexican political posters, a design for a railroad bridge built in Prague in 1850, assorted unusual and historical…
  8. February 1, 2010

    Senate Assembly adopts Statement on Academic Freedom

    The Senate Assembly, acting on behalf of the Faculty Senate, has adopted a Statement of Academic Freedom that defines how it believes the concept should apply to U-M faculty. While the statement approved last week affords no specific, direct legal protection, it outlines the faculty’s position regarding an issue that has not always been understood…
  9. February 1, 2010

    Photo: “NT Live: Nation” screens Feb. 7 at Michigan Theater

    <div class=”sidebarleft”> <div class=”sidebarContent” style=”width: 400px;”><img alt=”” height=”600″ src=”” width=”400″ /> <p>“NT Live: Nation” is a University Musical Society-Michigan Theater screening of Mark Ravenhill’s adaptation of Terry Pratchett’s novel “Nation,” at 5 p.m. Feb. 7 at the Michigan Theater. “NT Live” broadcasts performances of plays produced by the National Theatre in London onto cinema screens…
  10. February 1, 2010

    Old school: U-M in history

    Event: 1932 Olympic Games in Los Angeles