May 6, 2013
Michigan Memorial Phoenix seed funding projects selected
One of the nation’s oldest organizations dedicated to beneficial use of atomic energy — the Michigan Memorial Phoenix Project — has awarded four small grants to a new class of awardees.
May 6, 2013
Ten win $500 for participating in MHealthy Rewards 2013
More online View more information about MHealthy. MHealthy recently announced the winners of its April 15 MHealthy Rewards Grand Prize Drawing. Randomly selected to win a $500 gift card were: • Andrea Chumley, UMH Interpreters Program. • Dave Gerstler, Procurement Services. • Crystal Hein, UMH General Surgery. • Kelly Kowatch, School of Information. • Mary… -
May 6, 2013
StaffWorks conference seeks poster and speaker submissions
More online Read more about StaffWorks. StaffWorks is accepting submissions for poster and speaker sessions for its Best Practices and Technology conference to take place in the fall. StaffWorks is a showcase for U-M staff to share insights, innovations, experience and expertise in the use of technology and best practices to support the services and… -
May 6, 2013
Blowing the whistle on bad behavior
Our work environments play a bigger role than previously thought when it comes to reporting unethical behavior, according to a U-M researcher. “Our findings contradict conventional wisdom that the personal characteristics of an employee drive his or her decision to speak up,” said David Mayer, assistant professor of management and organizations at the Stephen M.… -
May 6, 2013
New online program trains research managers for academic, industry settings
More online Learn more about the Clinical Research Management certificate program and how to register. The School of Nursing is offering a four-course online program to prepare college graduates of any age to become research study managers in both academic and industry settings. This focus on academic research distinguishes the nursing school’s Clinical Research Management… -
May 6, 2013
Society of Fellows names nine new members
The Michigan Society of Fellows has selected eight new fellows out of 896 applications to serve three-year appointments as postdoctoral scholars and assistant professors, beginning this fall. A ninth fellow, Chelsea Wood, will join the society in September 2014. The fellows were chosen for the importance and quality of their scholarship and for their interest… -
May 6, 2013
Illustrator works in art, science worlds
John Megahan’s office in the Museum of Zoology is indicative of the man who works there. Filing cabinets full of fish illustrations share space with bookshelves lined with biology textbooks, and his work desk is covered in kneaded erasers, paint brushes and microscopes. As the scientific illustrator and artist for the Department of Ecology and… -
May 6, 2013
Risk of depression influenced by quality of relationships, U-M research says
The mantra that quality is more important than quantity is true when considering how social relationships influence depression, say U-M researchers in a new study. After analyzing data from nearly 5,000 American adults, the researchers found that the quality of a person’s relationships with a spouse, family and friends predicted the likelihood of major depression… -
May 6, 2013
Decoded: Molecular messages that tell prostate and breast cancers to spread
Cancer cells are wily, well-traveled adversaries, constantly side-stepping treatments to stop their spread. But for the first time, scientists at U-M have decoded the molecular chatter that ramps certain cancer cells into overdrive and can cause tumors to metastasize throughout the body. Researchers have long known that tumors recruit healing cells, which is a major… -
May 6, 2013
Old school: U-M in History
Red Cross parade