
  1. September 14, 1992


    Editor’s Note: The following books have been published by the U-M Press. Colonialism and Culture edited by Nicholas B. Dirks, professor of history and anthropology. This is the latest volume in the Comparative Studies in Society and History Book Series. The articles in this volume explore the multifaceted nature of colonialism and its cultural manifestations,…
  2. September 14, 1992

    Changes proposed for two Regents’ Bylaws

    Following are proposed changes to Regent’s Bylaws. Comments on the changes should be directed by Sept. 25 to the Office of the General Counsel, 4020 Fleming Administration Building 1340, 764-0304. Proposed Revision of Regents’ Bylaws Section 6.02 (Proposed additions in bold) Sec. 6.02. Degree Program Definitions Undergraduate degree programs are offered by: The University of…
  3. September 8, 1992

    Students to set standards for own conduct on campus

    Editor’s Note: An article in the Sept. 14 Record will explore students’ questionnaire responses. By Jane R. Elgass Staff in the Office of Student Affairs have been busy since late August compiling student responses to a questionnaire on a Statement of Student Rights and Responsibilities. All students enrolled for the fall term received a copy…
  4. September 8, 1992

    Hospitals Child Care Center celebrates first anniversary

    By Stephen H. Goldstein UMH Child Care Center The University of Michigan Hospitals Child Care Center, which observed its first anniversary last month, offers a unique multicultural environment for children from infant to preschool age. Perched on a hill on Glazier Way just west of Huron Parkway, the sprawling, colorful one-floor building serves U-M employees…
  5. September 8, 1992

    Panels on ‘Women and Justice,’ ‘Expanding Horizons’ open to public

    Two panel discussions, sponsored by the Center for the Education of Women and the Law School, that are part of the Campaign for Michigan kickoff activities, are open to the public. They will be presented 2:30–5 p.m. Sept. 18 in Mendelssohn Theatre. Panelists for “Women and Justice: Where Are We Now?” will address the disparity…
  6. September 8, 1992


    Edward S. Bordin Edward S. Bordin, professor emeritus of psychology, died of cancer Aug. 24 in La Jolla, Calif. He was 78. Bordin, who was director of the Counseling Center for more than 30 years, was a distinguished scholar, researcher and clinician in psychotherapy. “Generations of graduate clinical students, many now in leadership roles across…
  7. September 8, 1992

    Record resumes weekly schedule this issue

    The University Record begins its 1992–93 publication schedule today (Sept. 8). Published by the Office of News and Information Services, the Record is distributed each Monday September–May, except during holiday periods, and biweekly June–August. The official publication of the U-M, the Record carries articles of interest to faculty, staff and retirees, and letters to the…
  8. September 8, 1992

    Efficiency prompts merger, forms Urban and Regional Planning Program

    By Terry Gallagher News and Information Services “Less is more,” the credo adopted by modernist architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, might describe plans to consolidate campus programs that focus on urban and regional planning. In July, the University’s doctoral program in Urban, Technological and Environmental Planning (UTEP) merged with the urban planning program in…
  9. September 8, 1992

    Mentors sought for women student athletes

    Margaret Bradley-Doppes, associate athletic director, is seeking volunteers for a new mentoring program for women student athletes. In a letter to members of the University community, Bradley-Doppes states: “As you are aware, the first two years of college can be difficult. Many adjustments must be made in order to be both a successful student and…
  10. September 8, 1992

    Search committee seeks for vice provost with ‘vision, creativity and vitality’

    The appointment of an 11-member Search Advisory Committee for the Vice Provost for Academic and Multicultural Affairs has been announced by Provost Gilbert R. Whitaker Jr. It will be chaired by Harold R. Johnson, dean of the School of Social Work. At their first meeting, Sept. 16, the members will review a draft job description…