September 28, 1992
By Mary Jo Frank Officially, the U.S. recession began in the third quarter of 1990. It appears to have lasted only three quarters, and domestic production has increased in each of the past five quarters (second quarter 1991 through second quarter 1992). Why does it still hurt? “Compared to our own history, we’re doing a…
September 28, 1992
A kiosk fire discovered by Campus Security officers at 1:45 a.m. Sept. 19 on the Diag in front of the Undergraduate Library has caused at least $100,000 in damage to fiberoptic and coaxial cables, located in steam tunnels beneath the Diag, that provide computer, telephone and electrical service to many Central Campus buildings. The Diag…
September 28, 1992
By Jane R. Elgass Version 10.2 of the proposed Statement of Student Rights and Responsibilities will go back to the editing table this week for revisions that address a number of student concerns. The concerns were voiced over the past several weeks at a number of focus groups with student organizations that involved Vice President…
September 28, 1992
Faculty and staff who normally park in the Thayer Street structure were surprised this fall to find it still closed due to major renovation work. In the past couple of years, the structure was closed during the summer but reopened in September. Susan A. Kirkpatrick, manager of University Parking Services, says the University decided to…
September 21, 1992
By Jane R. Elgass The skies were not maize and blue last Friday, but the spirit inside the Power Center for the Performing Arts was. Nearly 1,000 members of “Team Michigan” gathered there for the official launch of the University’s Campaign for Michigan. A 75-minute slide/video program, which at times tugged at the heartstrings, gave…
September 21, 1992
By Mary Jo Frank Edie N. Goldenberg is saying “no” more often these days than she would like, but it’s paying off, the dean told her colleagues at LS&A’s September faculty meeting. By saying “no” and reducing the size of the Office of the Dean from five associate deans to four associate deans, the College…
September 21, 1992
William Uttal authors book William R. Uttal, professor emeritus of psychology, is the author of The Swimmer: An Integrated Computational Model of a Perceptual-Motor System, published in the Scientific Psychology Series by Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. Uttal is professor of engineering at Arizona State University. Donahue recognized for student advising Craig J. Donahue, associate professor…
September 21, 1992
Nine faculty and staff received special awards at the Sept. 14 LS&A faculty meeting for their teaching or student advising. Teaching award winners: Chi-Keung Cheung, assistant professor of mathematics. Cheung received the Matthews Underclass Teaching Award for his “creative and innovative application of computer technology in the classroom, in particular for his long labors in…
September 21, 1992
The U-M has maintained second place in academic reputation among public schools cited in the latest U.S. News & World Report survey of colleges and universities. And while the University has dropped from 22nd to 24th place in overall rankings, U-M administrators “are gratified that the University is among the top 25 in the country,”…
September 21, 1992
Waldo E. Sweet, professor emeritus of Latin and the teaching of Latin, died here Sept. 15 of complications from Parkinson’s Disease. He was 80 years old. Sweet was best known for his development of a new approach to teaching Latin based on the application of modern linguistic theories and modern language learning theories. His textbook,…