
  1. November 2, 1992

    Thomas, Mary Edsall to deliver Yablonky Lecture

    Thomas Byrne Edsall and Mary D. Edsall, authors of Chain Reaction: The Impact of Race, Rights and Taxes on American Politics, will deliver the Ben Yablonky Lecture at 4:30 p.m. Nov. 10 in the Wallace House, home of the Michigan Journalism Fellows Program. Thomas Edsall has been a national political reporter at the Washington Post…
  2. November 2, 1992


    Shien-Ming Wu Shien-Ming Wu, the J. Reid and Polly Anderson Professor of Manufacturing Technology, died of complications from heart surgery on Oct. 28 at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital. He was 68 years old. An internationally known researcher in the fields of manufacturing engineering and dynamic systems analysis, Wu created and defined the modern field of…
  3. November 2, 1992

    Internal reallocation supports visiting scholars program

    By Jane R. Elgass A number of visiting scholars are expected to be on campus this year under the auspices of the Visiting Scholars Program in the Office of the Vice Provost for Minority Affairs. Rumors of the death of what was called the King/Chavez/Parks Visiting Scholars Program are untrue, says Vice Provost for Minority…
  4. November 2, 1992

    M-CARE designs new health insurance plan for graduate students

    By Jane R. Elgass Beginning Jan. 1, 1993, certain groups of graduate students will be able to enroll in a health insurance plan that has been tailored to meet their special needs. Called GradCare, the program has been developed by M-CARE and will be available on a group basis to newly appointed graduate student research…
  5. November 2, 1992

    Fish and Wildlife Service director stresses cooperation

    By Kate Kellogg News and Information Services Cooperation between private landowners and environmentalists, mixed with “good biology,” is the formula for successful conservation, the director of the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service told students last week at the School of Natural Resources and Environment seminar. Also necessary are resource managers who communicate well with…
  6. November 2, 1992

    Nobelist to deliver Wu, Goudsmit Lectures

    Nobel laureate Chen Ning Yang, the Samuel A. Goudsmit Visiting Professor at the U-M, will give the first Ta-You Wu Lecture in Physics at 4 p.m. Tuesday (Nov. 3) in Rackham Amphitheater. Yang, the Einstein Professor of Physics at the State University of New York at Stony Brook, will discuss “Considerations on Carbon 60: Supermolecules,…
  7. November 2, 1992

    Kresge receives $7 million from NIH

    The Kresge Hearing Research Institute has received a $7 million, four-year award from the National Institutes of Deafness and Other Communication Disorders to study hearing and the causes of deafness. Knowledge gained from the study will benefit more than 20 million American who suffer from some form of hearing loss. Researchers are working to understand…
  8. November 2, 1992

    Quincentennial conference focuses on Spanish Inquisition

    By Terry Gallagher News and Information Services The fourth in a series of five conferences on “Jews and the Encounter with the New World, 1492/1992” will be held here on Nov. 8. Scholars from the U-M and other institutions will discuss “Jews, Conversos and the Inquisition in the New World.” The conference is part of…
  9. November 2, 1992


    Ward heads pathology group Peter A. Ward, chair of the Department of Pathology, has been named president of the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology. The 6,000-member organization is the North American component of the International Academy of Pathology. Book on race , environment edited by Bryant, Mohai Race and the Incidence of Environmental…
  10. November 2, 1992

    Environment preferences might be product of natural selection

    By Deborah Gilbert News and Information Services If our prehistoric ancestors were touring a museum with modern day visitors, their tastes in landscape paintings might be surprisingly similar. “Human beings seem intuitively to prefer scenes that are coherent and accessible but slightly mysterious. They also are inclined toward landscapes that make them feel that, if…