
  1. October 3, 1994

    D’Arms won’t seek re-appointment as dean, vice provost for academic affairs

    Graduate School Dean John H. D’Arms has announced that he will not seek appointment to a third term, and also will not seek re-appointment as vice provost for academic affairs, a post he has held since March 1990. D’Arms, who says he has “enjoyed almost every day in the last 10 years,” notes that “10…
  2. October 3, 1994

    FACULTY AWARDS Barry Checkoway, Regents’ Award for Distinguished Service

    A rare combination of highly regarded scholar and effective community activist, Barry Checkoway blurs the distinction between teaching, research, and service, and in so doing helps to redefine the meaning of university service. Professor Checkoway successfully links his scholarly research with service activities in the areas of community organization and community development, social planning and…
  3. October 3, 1994

    FACULTY AWARDS Edward E. Smith, Distinguished Faculty Achievement Award

    A renowned and pioneering investigator, an inspirational colleague and collaborator, an admired teacher, and a leader in his field, Edward Smith is one of the most respected cognitive psychologists in the country. For the past 20 years, he has been a leader in the field, helping to redefine it again and again. A chronological listing…
  4. October 3, 1994

    New benefits program features short-term disability plan

    A new short-term disability plan is being added to the University’s benefit program for non-bargained-for, active staff members with less than two years of service. The plan is designed to work with sick pay and long-term disability benefits. Eligible staff members will receive information on the short-term disability plan in the open enrollment packet. The…
  5. October 3, 1994

    FACULTY AWARDS Richard Crawford, Distinguished Faculty Achievement Award

    Widely acknowledged as the most eminent Americanist in the field of musicology, Richard Crawford has helped to shape the scholarly directions in American musicology for over 30 years. From his invaluable studies on sacred music of the 18th and 19th century to his more recent focus on 20th-century jazz and popular music, he leads the…
  6. October 3, 1994

    FACULTY AWARDS Stephen H. Sumida, Amoco Foundation Faculty Teaching Award

    Professor of English and American culture, Stephen Sumida’s numerous contributions to teaching, both inside and outside the classroom, demonstrate his dedication both to education and to the entire Univer-sity community. He has extended himself, personally and intellectually, to so many students and faculty colleagues that, in the words of his students, “Professor Sumida is what…
  7. October 3, 1994

    FACULTY AWARDS Nicholas B. Dirks, Faculty Recognition Award

    Because of his bold intellectual efforts to connect the social sciences with the humanities, and European cultural history with that of South Asia, Nicholas Dirks has earned an outstanding international reputation as a scholar of Indian history and anthropology. His work has redefined our understanding of the social structures of India, and he is centrally…
  8. October 3, 1994

    FACULTY AWARDS Kathryn W. Tosney, Faculty Recognition Award

    Kathryn Tosney is recognized as a rare individual who understands both the art of science and the beauty inherent in creative intellectual endeavors. She personifies the very essence of a scientist committed to fulfilling her responsibilities as teacher, counselor, and role model. Professor Tosney’s field of investigation is developmental neurobiology, where she explores the factors…
  9. October 3, 1994

    FACULTY AWARDS Stephen S. Easter Jr., Distinguished Faculty Achievement Award

    During his more than seventeen years at the University of Michigan, Stephen Easter continues to distinguish himself and has brought honor to the University by the quality and quantity of his research, by the depth and breadth of understanding with which he enriches the education of students and faculty, and by the generosity and grace…
  10. October 3, 1994

    FACULTY AWARDS Tetsufumi Ueda, University Senior Research Scientist Lectureship Award

    An internationally renowned neurochemist and neuropharmacologist who is recognized for his continuing contributions to the chemistry of brain function, Tetsufumi Ueda has developed an exciting story about the transport of glutamate, the most important neurotransmitter in the brain. As a result of his efforts, he has opened up new areas of research, not only for…