FACULTY AWARDS Kathryn W. Tosney, Faculty Recognition Award

Kathryn Tosney is recognized as a rare individual who understands both the art of science and the beauty inherent in creative intellectual endeavors. She personifies the very essence of a scientist committed to fulfilling her responsibilities as teacher, counselor, and role model.

Professor Tosney’s field of investigation is developmental neurobiology, where she explores the factors that influence the directions of cell growth and development. This is a complex area that involves experimental work ranging from microscopic analysis to specifying the details of molecular factors that govern the developmental process.

Previously recognized for her outstanding skills as an educator, Kathryn Tosney helped to rejuvenate the course in developmental biology at Michigan. In addition to introducing new material and crafting exciting lectures, she produced visual materials that provide students with a greatly enhanced “time and space” view of development, including a memorable origami model of the embryo. Professor Tosney’s ability to give developmental processes a three-dimensional aspect and her capacity to communicate effectively the nuances of developmental biology to people of diverse backgrounds combine to make Michigan’s undergraduate course in developmental biology unique. Professor Tosney also receives high praise for her writing course, Professional Writing for Biologists.

Kathryn Tosney is much more than a successful scientist and educator. As a woman in science, she is an impressive role model for younger investigators. She acts as a positive force for promoting women in science through her support of them as junior investigative partners in her laboratory, as well as by offering cogent advice on career preparation and advanced study. Professor Tosney’s service contributions are also impressive. As associate chair for research and facilities in the Department of Biology, she is directly engaged in the recruitment of new faculty, authorizing grant proposals, and organizing space utilization—all to the great satisfaction of her department colleagues.

The University of Michigan is pleased to honor Kathryn Tosney, exemplary educator, scholar, and University citizen, with the Faculty Recognition Award.


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