
  1. December 19, 1994

    U, First of America will add financial services to ID card

    By Bernie DeGroat News and Information Services The University has signed an agreement with First of America Bank-Ann Arbor to add financial transaction services to the University’s identification card, say U-M officials. The new program, announced last summer, is slated to begin in fall 1995. Under the program, the University will continue to provide students,…
  2. December 19, 1994

    Tenure statement spells out privileges, responsibilities

    By Mary Jo Frank Contrary to what some faculty and others may believe, tenure doesn’t give a faculty member the right to sit back and rest on one’s laurels, says Ruth Barnard, chair of the Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs (SACUA) Standing Subcommittee on Tenure. The Senate Assembly last Monday unanimously endorsed a statement…
  3. December 19, 1994

    High tech supports advanced wave research

    By Sally Pobojewski News and Information Services When the waves crash over Burt Lancaster and Deborah Kerr locked in a torrid embrace on the beach in From Here to Eternity, most viewers focus on the passion of the moment. But Marc Perlin and Dave Walker believe an often-overlooked part of the action is in the…
  4. December 19, 1994

    Research expenditures at an all-time high

    The University continues to be one of the premier universities for research, scholarship and creative activity in the nation, maintaining an outstanding record of achievement in the arts, humanities, social and natural sciences, engineering, and professions, Vice President for Research Homer A. Neal told the Regents last week in his annual report. The University’s research…
  5. December 19, 1994

    Regents OK revised parking ordinance

    At its December meeting, the Board of Regents revised the University’s ordinance to regulate parking and traffic, as well as the use and protection of U-M buildings and property. “The major changes are the decriminalization of most violation penalties and adjustments to the parking fine rates,” said Executive Vice President Farris W. Womack. “Based upon…
  6. December 19, 1994

    LS&A’s first-year seminars popular with students, faculty

    By Mary Jo Frank New students may come to the U-M expecting large, impersonal classes where no one, including the professor, knows their names. That has not been the case for 1,193 students who enrolled in 65 new first-year seminar classes offered by LS&A fall term. The College has scheduled another 71 winter term. In…
  7. December 19, 1994

    Kodak gives grant to Film and Video Studies

    The Program in Film and Video Studies has received a product grant—motion picture camera film—valued at $2,000 from the Eastman Kodak Co. Kodak’s grant program “rewards academic excellence by enabling film schools to undertake production projects beyond their normal budgetary scope, and will enrich the educational experience of future filmmakers studying at the U-M,” says…
  8. December 19, 1994

    Revised budget approved for Angell/Haven Hall connector

    A revised construction budget for the proposed Angell/Haven Hall connector was approved by the Regents at their December meeting. The Regents approved the project last April, setting its budget at $6,750,000. The new budget is $7,695,000. “Since a number of other projects are being planned within the Angell/Haven area,” explained Executive Vice President Farris W.…
  9. December 19, 1994

    News Briefs

    Record resumes publication Jan. 9 The Record resumes weekly publication Jan. 9. Effective Jan. 1, the deadline for News Briefs and Calendar items will be 5 p.m. the Monday preceding publication. Effective with the Jan. 9 issue, the Calendar will carry activities scheduled for Monday through the following Tuesday. Items may be sent via campus…
  10. December 19, 1994


    DRDA’s on-line research information server (RIS), available to campus computer users through GopherBlue, displays research funding opportunities, application deadlines, U-M policies concerning sponsored research, campus research resources and more. At the “which host?” prompt, enter “UM-GopherBlue:” then open “U of Michigan and Ann Arbor,” then open “DRDA.” DRDA (The Division of Research Development and Administration)…