In the News

  1. March 20, 2023
    • Photo of Nicole Ellison

    “This isn’t the same as correcting a typo, as the context can change entirely. That is why it is important to have a record of the change, and perhaps even have it explained,” said Nicole Ellison, professor of information, on YouTube agreeing to allow a 2018 music video to be edited to remove “offensive” imagery.

  2. March 20, 2023
    • Ravi Anupindi

    “The bargaining power is shifting. The over-inventory situation that started last year is really hurting the retailers, so they’re basically beginning to cancel orders,” said Ravi Anupindi, professor of technology and operations, as retailers look to use their scale and buying power to gain greater control of their supply chains now that shortages have eased and supplier-buyer dynamics return to pre-pandemic norms.

    The Wall Street Journal
  3. March 17, 2023
    • Yuri Zhukov

    Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky employs the terms “peace” and “victory” differently depending on who he’s addressing, says Yuri Zhukov, associate professor of political science: “In domestic political discourse, ‘victory’ is clearly defined as the liberation of all occupied Ukrainian territory,” but “European leaders have not clearly defined for themselves what a Ukrainian ‘victory’ might look like.”

  4. March 17, 2023
    • Richard Curtin

    “Indirect costs are far more, and include stock losses in retirement portfolios, rising interest rates at banks, etc., as well as increased insurance fees. The recent chatter is merely about the FDIC insurance, the smallest part of the total costs that will be paid by all banks,” said Richard Curtin, research professor at the Institute for Social Research, about the impact on consumers of the Silicon Valley Bank collapse.

  5. March 17, 2023
    • Melissa Creary

    “In the sickle cell world, we’re very happy to see that these therapies are coming soon. But even when it comes to market, it’s not going to be everywhere right away,” said Melissa Creary, assistant professor of health management and policy, who worries that many patients may be unable to access or afford new sickle cell gene therapies.

  6. March 16, 2023
    • Photo of Justin Wolfers

    “The best forecast for the future state of the economy is the current state and the current state is good. There’s a recessionary vibe, but there’s no recessionary reality,” said Justin Wolfers, professor of economics and public policy, who believes fears of a painful economic downturn are overblown.

  7. March 16, 2023
    • Preeti Malani

    Preeti Malani, professor of internal medicine, says loneliness is associated with poor health outcomes like diabetes and heart disease, and even mortality — and doctors should screen patients for it at regular appointments: “Just like we ask about diet, about exercise, about how you’re sleeping, we should ask about loneliness and social interactions.”

    Michigan Radio
  8. March 16, 2023
    • Amiyatosh Purnanandam

    “When we make all the depositors whole, it’s akin to saying that only one person in the family bought auto insurance and the insurance company is going to pay for everyone’s accident. In the long run, that’s a subsidy because we are paying for more than what we had insured,” said Amiyatosh Purnanandam, professor of finance, about the U.S. government’s bailout of Silicon Valley Bank depositors.

    National Public Radio
  9. March 15, 2023
    • Photo of Roland Zullo

    Right-to-work laws are a misnomer, says Roland Zullo, associate research scientist in social work: “It has really nothing to do … or has very little to do about the right to work. It’s more about whether or not a labor union can negotiate a labor agreement … that requires all of the people covered by the labor agreement to pay something toward the union.”

  10. March 15, 2023
    • Anita Shelgikar

    “Permanent Standard Time is better for human health. And the reason for that is because Standard Time best aligns our internal clock with the world around us, and so the closer those two things can be aligned, the better for many, many health outcomes,” said Anita Shelgikar, professor of neurology and sleep medicine.
