In the News

  1. April 21, 2014

    John Branch, lecturer of marketing and strategy and a faculty associate at the Center for Russian and East European Studies, was quoted in a story about plans by U.S. automakers to increase sales in Russia, despite the Ukraine crisis.

    Japan Times
  2. April 21, 2014

    “I see differently, and that’s OK, so that is why I like to have all the children (who are) visually impaired or (who have) disabilities to have the same assurance. It is OK to think their own way,” said Sadashi Inuzuka, professor of art, regarding an art program he founded for visually impaired youth.

    Detroit Free Press
  3. April 20, 2014

    The photography of David Turnley, associate professor of art and design, was featured in a Q-and-A about the genocide in Rwanda in 1994.

    The New York Times
  4. April 20, 2014

    Jim Sayer, research scientist at the U-M Transportation Research Institute, was quoted about how the university is turning Ann Arbor into the world’s largest lab for wireless vehicle communication.
  5. April 20, 2014

    Regarding the long-term unemployed, Don Grimes, a senior research area specialist at the Institute for Research on Labor, Employment and the Economy, said, “We in this country are going to need those people working. We’re going to need their income, and the tax revenue from their income, going forward. Otherwise, we’re going to be supporting the people who are not working, in one way or another.”

    Michigan Radio
  6. April 17, 2014

    Jeffrey Veidlinger, professor of history and Judaic studies, discussed the lengths to which Jews in the post-WWII Soviet Union would go to secretly bake and eat matzah to commemorate Passover.

    Public Radio International
  7. April 17, 2014

    Sean McCabe, research associate professor at the Substance Abuse Research Center and Institute for Research on Women and Gender, was interviewed about the increased use of “study drugs” among college students.

  8. April 17, 2014

    Aaron Sandel, a doctoral student in biological anthropology, was quoted in a story about where chimpanzees choose to sleep.

    National Geographic
  9. April 16, 2014

    “In the ’50s, corporations were supposed to take care of society. That was the managerial perspective. In the last few decades, there’s been a shift to more of a shareholder perspective. Managers are agents of the shareholders. Government is supposed to take care of the rest,” said Aneel Karnani, associate professor of strategy.

  10. April 16, 2014

    Research by Aradhna Krishna, professor of marketing, suggests that food that is either hard or has a rough texture is perceived to have fewer calories.

    Business Standard (India)