In the News

  1. May 4, 2023
    • Jimo Borjigin

    Research by Jimo Borjigin, associate professor of molecular and integrative physiology, and of neurology, found that the brains of dying people may spark to sudden life in their final moments. “To think that when you are undergoing cardiac arrest — where the heart is stopping or not pumping blood — and the brain does nothing? It’s beyond me. The brain should be going crazy — which is exactly what happens,” she said.

    The Hill
  2. May 4, 2023
    • Jonathan Hanson

    “We are at a moment in our political history where polarization of politics has become really severe. … It’s gotten to the point where, I think, a lot of people genuinely don’t understand when their political views on subjects are in the minority and don’t really believe it when their candidates lose in an election,” said Jonathan Hanson, lecturer in statistics in public policy.

    The Associated Press
  3. May 3, 2023
    • Photo of Elizabeth Tibbetts

    Elizabeth Tibbetts, professor of ecology and evolutionary biology, says by reducing mowing it gives insects more places to live and food to eat: “You wouldn’t do well eating the same food all day. … Insects don’t do well with that either. So, grass is not a very good environment. If there are more little plants and weeds growing in there, the insects are much happier.”

  4. May 3, 2023
    • Nora Becker

    “More than half of Americans now report having had COVID-19, and more than 450,000 have been hospitalized, so the potential number experiencing serious financial issues linked to their experience with the virus is high,” said Nora Becker, assistant professor of internal medicine, whose research shows that those who had COVID-19 are more likely to have low credit scores and overdue bills sent to a collection agency.

  5. May 3, 2023
    • Susan Page

    “Wars don’t usually make for easy peace. It’s unclear if either of these two generals will back down without an actual victory on the ground, and that’s the terrifying part,” said Susan Page, professor of practice in international diplomacy and law, on the fighting between Sudan Armed Forces and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces.

  6. May 2, 2023
    • Lisa Prosser

    “There are a lot of lessons that can be learned from influenza vaccination, where the strains that are included … can change from year to year, and that could potentially be the case here for a COVID booster as well,” said Lisa Prosser, professor of pediatrics and health management and policy. But setting a regular booster schedule might not be sustainable, as “one of the big differences between COVID and the flu is that seasonality has not yet been clearly established,” said Arnold Monto, professor emeritus of epidemiology.

    Smithsonian Magazine
  7. May 2, 2023

    “Surveys can be valuable even if they’re not nationally representative, but you have to design them for that purpose and be honest about what you have,” said Arthur Lupia, professor of political science, who would like to see pollsters develop a disclosure similar to the nutrition-facts label, with information about how heavily weighting was used, whether certain groups were more or less likely to respond and so on.

    The Wall Street Journal
  8. May 2, 2023

    Research by Raven Garvey, associate professor of anthropology, suggests that partially digested vegetable matter found in the stomachs of bison and other herbivores was an important source of calories and nutrients for early human foragers. “Failure to account for this underappreciated resource could have important consequences in studies that address major questions in evolutionary anthropology,” she said.

  9. May 1, 2023
    • Joanne Hsu

    “I think last year during the peak of inflation, consumers understood that supply chains were really putting a lot of upward pressure on prices. A lot of those supply chain constraints have eased since then,” said Joanne Hsu, director of the U-M Surveys of Consumers. “And so consumers are continuing to be very frustrated that prices remain so incredibly high.”

  10. May 1, 2023
    • Photo of Jeremy Kress

    “There is a trade-off in allowing too long of a transition period. You’re allowing risks that you’ve identified to go unaddressed for a longer period of time to give the industry time to adapt,” said Jeremy Kress, assistant professor of business law, commenting on the prospect of giving banks a long runway to comply with tougher capital rules.

    Financial Times