In the News
May 27, 2014
Sensitive to gluten? Dr. William Chey, professor of internal medicine, says that a carb in wheat may be the real culprit: “A number of people, including me, now feel that non-celiac gluten sensitivity is a misnomer.”
National Public Radio -
May 26, 2014
Priya Kumar, a graduate student in the School of Information, was interviewed about her research on mothers’ motivations to post pictures of their babies online.
National Public Radio -
May 26, 2014
Erik Gordon, clinical assistant professor of business, was featured in a segment on how the rash of vehicle recalls by General Motors will affect the company’s reputation.
PBS NewsHour -
May 26, 2014
Research by Sarah Hawley, associate professor of internal medicine and health management and policy, shows that most women who get a double mastectomy don’t need it.
NBC News -
May 22, 2014
“When you get to three or four hours each day, that screen time crowds out other important activities that babies and young kids should be engaging in: looking at books, going for walks or playing outside,” said Dr. Matthew Davis, professor of health management and policy, and pediatrics and communicable diseases, regarding children’s use of mobile phones, tablets, computers, television and video games.
South China Morning Post -
May 22, 2014
Jim Diana, professor of natural resources and environment and director of Michigan Sea Grant, and Elizabeth LaPorte, Sea Grant’s communications and education services director, were quoted in an article about lifesaving aids being placed at 10 public beaches along Lake Michigan in an effort to prevent drowning due to dangerous currents.
Detroit Free Press -
May 22, 2014
Alex Halderman, assistant professor of electrical engineering and computer science, was interviewed about computer security risks associated with electronic voting.
National Public Radio -
May 21, 2014
Comments by Dr. Eva Feldman, professor of neurology, were featured in a story about a collaboration between U-M medical scientists and Detroit-area artists, in which the artists create unique works after discussing the nature of creativity with their medical counterparts.
The Detroit News -
May 21, 2014
“It’s not a surprise. All you have to do is watch a bunch of little kids in a playground or a park. They run and run and run,” said Huda Akil, professor of psychiatry, commenting on research that shows mice — even those not caged — actually like running on an exercise wheel.
The New York Times -
May 21, 2014
Trivellore Raghunathan, professor of biostatistics and director of the Survey Research Center, was interviewed about research and education in the United States and India.
The Times of India