In the News

  1. November 30, 2016

    “If we’re going to have a productive economy in the future, new young people with new ideas energizing the labor force — taxpayers supporting the Social Security Trust Fund and Medicare for retirees — it’s in our best interest if this younger generation is treated well and welcomed with open arms into the labor force,” said William Frey, research professor at the Institute for Social Research.

    The Washington Post
  2. November 30, 2016

    Internalized homophobia could increase one’s risk for domestic violence, according to new findings from Rob Stephenson, professor of nursing and director of the Center for Sexuality and Health Disparities.

    NBC News
  3. November 30, 2016

    “This gives us the opportunity to talk to each student on an individual level and tailor what we are communicating to them to fit their situation, even in large classes,” said Timothy McKay, professor of physics, astronomy and education, whose Ecoach personalized learning tool is now being used to help first-year U-M students navigate college.

    Detroit Free Press
  4. November 29, 2016

    President Mark Schlissel was interviewed about how the university is balancing conservative students’ concerns with the worries of students who opposed the presidential candidacy of Donald Trump.

    National Public Radio
  5. November 29, 2016

    “You can’t directly die from taking a cannabinoid, the way tens of thousands of people are directly dying from opioids each year in the U.S.,” said Dr. Daniel Clauw, professor of anesthesiology, rheumatology and psychiatry.

  6. November 29, 2016

    “I fear for the day every hospital system is down. This will require some kind of governmental mandate. … We’re not going to be laughing when the lights go out,” said Kevin Fu, associate professor of electrical engineering and computer science, on the need for federal regulations that require all internet-connected devices to have built-in security.

  7. November 22, 2016

    Nyeema Harris, assistant professor of ecology and evolutionary biology, and colleagues recently installed more than 150 motion-triggered cameras in three locations in Michigan — the largest-ever camera-trap study of the state’s diverse wildlife.

    USA Today
  8. November 22, 2016

    Research led by Shawn Xu, professor of molecular and integrative physiology, discovered a new kind of photoreceptor that enables even an eyeless insect to sense and respond to light.

    CBS News
  9. November 22, 2016

    There may never be enough formally trained palliative care physicians to support families facing serious illness, said Dr. Preeti Malani, professor of internal medicine, in an editorial calling for more research and better training of all doctors on end-of-life care.

    Health Day
  10. November 21, 2016

    Margo Schlanger and Samuel Bagenstos, both professors of law, addressed issues surrounding attorney general-nominee Sen. Jeff Sessions’ record regarding civil rights.

    The Atlantic