In the News

  1. January 9, 2017

    “When you consider how staggeringly high prison populations became — and how quickly they increased — in the 1980s and 1990s, we clearly have much work still to do if we are interested in fully addressing the crisis of mass incarceration,” said Heather Ann Thompson, professor of history, Afroamerican and African studies, and the Residential College.

  2. January 9, 2017

    Gautam Hans, research fellow at the Law School, was quoted in a story about the refusal of Uber and Lyft to make public their data about the movement patterns of customers.

    Bloomberg Technology
  3. January 8, 2017

    David Brang, assistant professor of psychology, was quoted in an article about a little-understood phenomenon known as synesthesia in which senses are mixed — colors evoke sounds, words evoke tastes or sounds evoke touch.

    The Atlantic
  4. January 8, 2017

    “Candid discussions about end-of-life care with family and with the medical team caring for a patient need to happen sooner and in an ongoing manner. There also needs to be greater recognition of palliative care (not hospice care) as complementary to curative therapies,” said Preeti Malani, professor of internal medicine.

  5. January 8, 2017

    “The idea that the government is generating returns from student lending is not only ill-advised, but a model that no other industrialized country attempts to copy,” wrote Scott DeRue, dean of the Stephen M. Ross School of Business.

  6. January 5, 2017

    “I’m pretty sure my undergraduate security class could have changed the outcome of the presidential election. It really is that bad,” said J. Alex Halderman, professor of electrical engineering and computer science, on the relative ease of hacking an election.

    The Guardian (U.K.)
  7. January 5, 2017

    “It’s about blurring the boundaries that have defined pink and blue masculinity and femininity. They are trying to increase the scope of what someone with male anatomy can wear,” said Jennifer Robertson, professor of anthropology and history of art, on the increasing numbers of “genderless” young men in Japan.

    The New York Times
  8. January 5, 2017

    “Emojis are everywhere. They are becoming the ubiquitous language that bridges everyone across different cultures,” said Wei Ai, doctoral student in information.

    Yahoo News
  9. January 4, 2017

    Most of the nation’s sources of drinking water are perfectly safe, but “it’s clear there are occasional hotspots of contamination. And we need to be increasingly vigilant,” said Rosina Bierbaum, professor of natural resources and environment and environmental health sciences, and co-author of a federal report on the safety of the country’s drinking water.

    Michigan Radio
  10. January 4, 2017

    James Moon, assistant professor of pharmaceutical sciences and biomedical engineering, and Rui Kuai, doctoral student in pharmaceutical sciences, have developed powerful nanodiscs that can deliver a customized therapeutic vaccine to help kill cancerous tumors in mice.

    Business Standard (India)