In the News

  1. March 20, 2017

    “There are more (American) Indians alive today than there were a hundred years ago, but the popular representation is something back prior to the reservation. If we are making complex bids for self-determination, or tribal sovereignty, it doesn’t help us when the popular conception is that we wear feathers and grunt,” said Joseph Gone, professor of psychology and American culture, commenting on primitive depictions of Native Americans as sports team mascots.

    Detroit Free Press
  2. March 20, 2017

    Michael Rice, instructor in internal medicine and director of inpatient medicine gastroenterology, discussed the difference between food poisoning and stomach flu.

  3. March 19, 2017

    “Venmo is not an inherently social app in the way of Facebook or Twitter, but it offers emotional support and the ability to keep in touch,” said Cliff Lampe, professor of information, regarding a PayPal-like mobile app that allows others to comment.

    CBS News
  4. March 19, 2017

    Sarah Clark, associate research scientist in pediatrics and communicable diseases, says parents should expect teens to be more involved in their own health care, including having them schedule their own appointments and prepare questions for doctors.

  5. March 19, 2017

    Research by Stefan Nagel, professor of finance and economics, and Zhen Yan, doctoral student in finance, shows that the inflation environment Fed officials have experienced influences their policy stance and dissent.

    Bloomberg Markets
  6. March 16, 2017

    Meha Jain, assistant professor of natural resources and environment, discussed the role of satellite data in her research on the impacts of environmental changes on small farms in India.
  7. March 16, 2017

    Bruce Belzowski, managing director of the U-M Transportation Research Institute’s Automotive Futures group, says the progress automakers have made in bringing down the cost and increasing battery range of electric vehicles makes their CAFE complaints puzzling.

    The Christian Science Monitor
  8. March 16, 2017

    Research by Mackillo Kira, professor of electrical engineering and computer science, and colleagues found a way to use ultrashort pulses of laser light that could lead to future computers that run up to 100,000 times faster than today’s electronics.

    The Huffington Post
  9. March 15, 2017

    “People with high-deductible health plans actually buy less essential medical services and have been shown to be particularly problematic in people with chronic diseases — who are socio-economically vulnerable. Improvements need to be made to these plans to make sure these limitations are being addressed,” said Mark Fendrick, professor of internal medicine, and health policy and management, and director of the Center for Value-Based Insurance Design.

    The Washington Post
  10. March 15, 2017

    Igor Jovanovic, professor of nuclear engineering and radiological sciences, and colleagues discovered a new technique that detects enriched uranium from a long distance with the help of lasers — which could prove useful in the search for illicit nuclear activity.

    Fox News