In the News

  1. March 23, 2017

    Dhivya Srinivasa, house officer in plastic surgery, was interviewed about the connection between breast implants and a rare blood cancer in some women.

    National Public Radio
  2. March 23, 2017

    Ethan Kross, professor of psychology, says to combat the compulsion to constantly check one’s smartphone, turn off sound notifications as well as vibrations and put the device somewhere out of sight: “If the cell phone is tempting you to check your email, take it out of your field of vision. I wouldn’t underestimate the visual power of it.”

  3. March 22, 2017

    “You could understand why Trump would want to be surrounded by family members, who he can trust. But the problem is: There’s very little oversight,” said David Mayer, associate professor of management and organizations, on reports that President Trump’s daughter Ivanka will be given an office at the White House and receive national security clearance.

    The Washington Post
  4. March 22, 2017

    Sean McCabe, research professor at the Institute for Research on Women and Gender, says most American teenagers who abuse opioids first received the drugs from a doctor: “One consistent finding we observed over the past two decades is that the majority of nonmedical users of prescription opioids also have a history of medical use of prescription opioids.”

    Live Science
  5. March 22, 2017

    Heather Ann Thompson, professor of Afroamerican and African studies and the Residential College, was quoted in an article about the uncertain benefits of America’s prison-labor industry.

    The Economist
  6. March 22, 2017

    “In a situation like this, where a war zone is near a concentration of industrial facilities where toxic and explosive chemicals are manufactured and stored, it is possible that massive releases of toxic chemicals could be released. And that would result in high levels of civilian casualties,” said Rudy Richardson, professor of environmental health sciences and neurology, on the Chernobyl-scale chemical disaster that looms in eastern Ukraine.

    Fox News
  7. March 21, 2017

    Comments by Jenny Radesky, assistant professor of pediatrics and communicable diseases, were featured in a story about the hazards of “distracted parenting” — when parents constantly look at their cell phones while with their children.

    The New York Times
  8. March 21, 2017

    “For Michigan Sea Grant itself, I was surprised they got that far down in the budget. We’re about one-tenth of 1 percent of what they need in order to pay off the defense budget that they’re hoping to increase. So it seems pretty far down in the weeds,” said James Diana, professor of natural resources and environment and director of Michigan Sea Grant, on President Trump’s proposal to cut Sea Grant funding from $1.8 million to zero.

    Michigan Radio
  9. March 21, 2017

    Research by Sarah Miller, assistant professor of business economics and public policy, found that low-income adults in Medicaid expansion states reported increased wait times, but were less likely to go without medical care because they couldn’t afford it.

  10. March 20, 2017

    Research by Julia Lippman, lecturer in communication studies, suggests that romantic-comedy films featuring men behaving in a stalker-like way can make women more likely to tolerate real-life obsessive behavior.
