In the News

  1. April 3, 2017

    Michael Sabel, associate professor of surgery, was interviewed for a story about the steep rise in mastectomies in midwestern states.

  2. April 3, 2017

    The Trump administration’s best bet for saving the travel ban is to have the case go before the U.S. Supreme Court, said Richard Primus, professor of law. “What a ruling in the 4th Circuit in favor of the administration would do is create a split in authority between federal courts in different parts of the country. Cases with splits in authority are cases the U.S. Supreme Court exists to resolve.”

    The Associated Press
  3. April 2, 2017

    Jacob Abernethy, assistant professor of electrical engineering and computer science, believes that the state of Michigan’s plan to spend $87 million to replace thousands of lead pipes throughout Flint over the next three years is feasible: “It’s been a slow project for a lot of reasons … (but officials) have figured out how to make this thing go fast.”

    The New York Times
  4. April 2, 2017

    Research by Joshua Stein, associate professor of ophthalmology and visual sciences, and health management and policy, found that a large percentage of children with diabetes are not getting necessary vision exams.

    Michigan Radio
  5. April 2, 2017

    “People may overestimate their ability to achieve work-life balance. But it turns out, it’s a much more difficult task than anyone imagined. It requires more savvy, more discipline. And we’re not tuned into that,” said David Dunning, professor of psychology.

    New York Magazine
  6. March 30, 2017

    Dopamine levels drop and fluctuate during a migraine headache — a discovery that could lead to better treatment — according to research by Alexandre DaSilva, assistant professor of dentistry, and Kenneth Casey, professor emeritus of neurology and molecular and integrative physiology.

  7. March 30, 2017

    “The fundamental challenge we now face is how to handle a setting where anybody can get their views disseminated without intermediaries to prevent the distribution. Somehow there still has to be some process of collectively coming to some agreement of what we are going to believe and what we think are consensual facts,” said Paul Resnick, professor of information, commenting on “fake news.”

  8. March 30, 2017

    M.P. Narayanan, professor of finance, and Erik Gordon, clinical assistant professor of business, were quoted in a story about the high-finance battle between General Motors and an influential Wall Street investor who wants to split GM stock into two classes.

    USA Today
  9. March 29, 2017

    “You would have to be very foolish — even if coal became economically competitive in the short term — to make an investment in a 30- or 40-year (plant) because four years from now we may have President Elizabeth Warren and all the environmental regulations are back on,” said Mark Barteau, director of the U-M Energy Institute and professor of chemical engineering.

    The Associated Press
  10. March 29, 2017

    Research by Terri Conley, associate professor of psychology and women’s studies, found that polyamorous relationships function just as well as monogamous ones.

    Business Standard