In the News

  1. April 26, 2017

    Andy Hoffman, professor of management and organizations, and natural resources and environment, directed six U-M graduate students in a 14-month project that helped a Catholic monastery in Virginia become more sustainable — a project that was turned into a PBS documentary.

    National Geographic
  2. April 25, 2017

    “The problem with scholarly writing is that we need to prove we are working hard in order to maintain our status in the academic hierarchy, and the usual way to do that is by writing complex, convoluted prose that only an elite group can read. … And yet, at the same time, there is a growing movement among academics who seek to write more accessibly, more vividly, more clearly,” said Ruth Behar, professor of anthropology.

    The Chronicle of Higher Education
  3. April 25, 2017

    “Corporate social responsibility is either irrelevant or ineffective, either way it’s useless. There are two opposite sort of views here: One is the free-market view that companies should maximize the profits. The other is that they should pay attention to these values and also try and make a profit. But how can you do all these things and maximize them? You cannot have two bottom lines,” said Aneel Karnani, professor of strategy.

  4. April 25, 2017

    The most-cited academic papers rely on a specific mix of old and new research that is “nearly universal in all branches of science and technology,” according to a study by Daniel Romero, assistant professor of information, complex systems and electrical engineering and computer science.

    The Christian Science Monitor
  5. April 24, 2017

    Research by Julia Wolfson, assistant professor of health management and policy and nutritional sciences, found that more than two-thirds of Americans support some restrictions on carrying firearms in public places: “One of the findings that surprised us was that, even among gun owners, there was strong support.”

  6. April 24, 2017

    “It’s sort of the missing piece of the Welles puzzle, it documents a period people haven’t had the opportunity to see original material from,” said Philip Hallman, curator of the Screen Arts Mavericks & Makers collections at the U-M Library, on the new acquisition of unpublished scripts from Orson Welles’ many incomplete projects from the 1950s and ’60s.

    The New York Times
  7. April 24, 2017

    “Talent is evenly distributed in society, but opportunity is not. Science will have a bigger impact if people from all backgrounds are able to participate,” said Meghan Duffy, associate professor of ecology and evolutionary biology.

    U.S. News & World Report
  8. April 23, 2017

    “It is an embarrassment that our legislators’ time and energy are being used to weaken the fundamental pillar of public health that vaccines represent,” wrote Phoebe Danziger and Rebekah Diamond, house officers in the Department of Pediatrics and Communicable Diseases, in response to three new bills in the Michigan Legislature that would weaken vaccine rules and put children at risk.

    Detroit Free Press
  9. April 23, 2017

    “Congress created agencies to meet two goals of being independent and accountable. The Financial Choice Act is a move away from independence, and that can lead to significant ramifications,” said Michael Barr, professor of law, regarding a GOP bill that would give the president new powers that could limit the independence of certain regulatory agencies.

    CNN Money
  10. April 23, 2017

    Themes explored in a new book by Elizabeth Anderson, professor of philosophy and women’s studies, are featured in an article about how employers exercise vast control over our lives.

    New Republic