In the News

  1. May 15, 2017

    Sonja Starr, professor of law, says that even if Attorney General Jeff Sessions toughens rules on prosecuting drug crimes, there might not be drastic changes in how prosecutors handle drug cases: “There’s still a lot of discretion left to prosecutors to determine what is readily provable. Under any regime, whatever the Department of Justice policy, the choice is made by individual prosecutors.”

    The New York Times
  2. May 15, 2017

    Thomas Buchmueller, professor of health management and policy, and business economics and public policy, was quoted in a column that asserts that prescription drug monitoring is an obvious way to fight the opioid epidemic and make doctors’ lives easier.

    The Washington Post
  3. May 14, 2017

    Dmitry Berenson, assistant professor of electrical engineering and computer science, was quoted in an article about a new technique that involves providing a robot with a knowledge base of information of how to perform a task.

  4. May 14, 2017

    Dave Ulrich, professor of business administration, says Donald Trump may have fired FBI director James Comey as a deliberate strategy to distract from the Russia investigation, or to signal that he wants to shake up Washington, or that he’s in charge of the government bureaucracy — and that dissent and independence will not be tolerated.

  5. May 14, 2017

    Daniel Crane, professor of law, argues that franchise laws requiring manufacturers to sell through dealers have helped keep the auto industry in a 20th-century retail model that is inefficient and reduces choices for consumers.

    Chicago Tribune
  6. May 11, 2017

    “A new FBI director will have an uphill battle in trying to convince the American people that he is completely independent of the president. The only remedy for the crisis of confidence that Trump has created is an independent prosecutor,” said Barbara McQuade, professor from practice at the Law School.

    The Detroit News
  7. May 11, 2017

    A study by Megan Patrick, research associate professor at the Institute for Social Research, found that a quarter of people ages 19 and 20 say they have downed five or more drinks on a single occasion — and the percentage is even higher among college students.

    Christian Science Monitor
  8. May 11, 2017

    “It’s the drug industry back in trouble again over pricing. They just don’t seem to learn their lesson,” said Erik Gordon, clinical assistant professor of business, regarding new pricing for a muscular dystrophy drug that could cost patients tens of thousands of dollars a year.

  9. May 10, 2017

    “For many patients with more severe age-related macular degeneration, the use of nutritional supplements can reduce the subsequent rate of worsening of AMD and vision loss,” said Paul Lee, professor of ophthalmology and visual sciences and director of the W.K. Kellogg Eye Center.

  10. May 10, 2017

    Comments by Michelle Riba, professor of psychiatry and associate director of the U-M Depression Center, were featured in a story about depression-prone jobs — those with high stress, social isolation and lack of access to mental health services.

    U.S. News & World Report