In the News

  1. November 6, 2017

    Research by Aditya Pandey, associate professor of neurosurgery and radiology, and colleagues found that surgical patients whose procedure began between 9 p.m. and 7 a.m. are 50 percent more likely to develop complications, compared to patients with a surgical start time after 7 a.m. and before 9 p.m.

    Reader's Digest
  2. November 5, 2017

    Theresa Braunschneider, associate director and coordinator of diversity initiatives at the Center for Research on Learning and Teaching, was quoted in a story about ways instructors are altering their teaching in a politically divisive climate on college campuses across America.

    The New York Times
  3. November 5, 2017

    Comments by Sofia Merajver, professor of internal medicine and epidemiology and director of the Breast and Ovarian Cancer Risk Evaluation Program at the U-M Comprehensive Cancer Center, were featured in an article about the use of a 70-gene test to help guide treatment for some women with early breast cancer.

    Reuters Health
  4. November 5, 2017

    Research by Andrew Grogan-Kaylor and Shawna Lee, associate professors of social work, suggests that children who receive spankings could have an increased risk of suffering from mental health problems when they get older.

    WXYZ-TV (Detroit)
  5. November 2, 2017

    June Manning Thomas, professor of urban and regional planning, was quoted in a story about the urban renewal efforts of Detroit Mayor Michael Duggan.

    The Washington Post
  6. November 2, 2017

    “One of (President Trump’s) claims was that he was a great negotiator (and) that has also turned out to be illusory. … He’s really a poor negotiator. Even looking forward, I don’t think the prospects are very good,” said Michael Traugott, professor emeritus of communication studies and political science.

    Detroit Free Press
  7. November 2, 2017

    “Our short-term goal is to share information across the board. Our long-term goal is to have better water quality in Lake Erie,” said Jennifer Read, director of the U-M Water Center, referring to the new Michigan Cleaner Lake Erie through Action and Research partnership.

    Great Lakes Echo
  8. November 1, 2017

    “Voice-based interfaces are fast emerging and given that Amazon, Apple, Google and others are using them to increase reach and convenience, Hinglish is the way to achieve that,” said M.S. Krishnan, professor of technology and operations, regarding the use of virtual assistants, like Alexa or Siri, who speak a combination of Hindi and English to consumers in India.

  9. November 1, 2017

    Joyce Lee, associate professor of nutritional health, and  ofpediatrics and communicable diseases, commented on research that suggests teens and young adults with diabetes may do a better job of checking their blood sugar when they get daily financial incentives.

  10. November 1, 2017

    “The finances of consumers have benefited from low unemployment and inflation rates as well as renewed increases in home values and a resurgent stock market,” said Richard Curtin, director of the Surveys of Consumers at the Institute for Social Research.

    National Public Radio