In the News

  1. November 20, 2017

    Jane Dutton, professor emerita of business administration and psychology, and Wayne Baker, professor of management and organizations, and of sociology, provided advice on ways to cope with a personal crisis that is hurting your professional life.

    Harvard Business Review
  2. November 19, 2017

    “Women reporting sexual harassment, for the moment at least, are being believed. The biggest difference, as a result, is that what was a privilege of power has become a disgrace. White men, including white male money, are fleeing association with alleged sexual predators. This has never been seen in the history of the world,” said Catharine MacKinnon, professor of law.

    U.S. News & World Report
  3. November 19, 2017

    “It’s a big, pervasive threat that we as a society are not doing nearly enough to solve. If we increase the amount of toxic algae in our drinking water supply, it’s going to put people’s health at risk. Even if it’s not toxic, people don’t want to go near it. They don’t want to fish in it or swim in it. That means loss of jobs and tax revenue,” said Don Scavia, professor of environment and sustainability.

    The New York Times
  4. November 19, 2017

    “The much-hyped tax reform being debated has the potential to reshape the nation’s tax code in a substantial way for the first time since 1986. We believe that federal deficits are going up but by how much?” said Daniil Manaenkov, assistant research scientist at the Research Seminar in Quantitative Economics.

    Detroit Free Press
  5. November 16, 2017

    “There has been a growing emphasis for (celebrities) to be advocates for various kinds of mental illness problems, so part of this does come from a feeling of altruism and wanting to use their platform to reach out and help make it OK,” said Susan Douglas, professor of communication studies, on the revelations by many famous women that they have suffered postpartum depression.

  6. November 16, 2017

    “In my view, people who do not need to take health insurance into account when deciding whether to get married are likely to ultimately enter into happier and better marriages. People who have more control over family planning have the ability to better invest in careers and education and to start families when they are ready,” wrote Joelle Abramowitz, assistant research scientist at the Institute for Social Research.

  7. November 16, 2017

    “I have a huge love and commitment to historic art. It would be hard for me to work in a museum that wasn’t encyclopedic in some form,” said Christina Olsen, the new director of the U-M Museum of Art, who also wants to increase contemporary works in UMMA’s African and Asian art collections, calling the latter “one of the best in the country in terms of depth and breadth.”

    The Detroit News
  8. November 15, 2017

    Scott Campbell, professor of communication studies, says that students see technology as their social glue and tend to view socializing in person and through devices as “one hybrid space,” not competing realms.

    The Washington Post
  9. November 15, 2017

    “There is a certain nostalgia for the period and for what has been achieved. People felt they had better pay, jobs, pensions. But when the Soviet Union collapsed and documents and records of executions, arbitrary arrests, ostracisms came to the surface, many Russians realized that this was not the brightest time in their history. What exists is a schizophrenic feeling about the past,” said Melvyn Levitsky, clinical professor of public policy.

    Exame (Brazil)
  10. November 15, 2017

    Jianke Gong, research fellow at the Life Sciences Institute, and Shawn Xu, professor of molecular and integrative physiology, and research professor at the Life Sciences Institute, and colleagues identified a genetic pathway that contributes to nicotine addiction and makes it difficult for smokers to quit.

    Economic Times (India)