In the News

  1. December 10, 2017

    Research by Jeffrey F. Horowitz, professor of kinesiology, and colleagues shows that a single session of exercise may change the molecular workings of fat tissue in ways that, over time, should improve metabolic health.

    The New York Times
  2. December 7, 2017

    “There’s quite a number of people who are either temporarily uninsured or they move into different plans” each year. And I’m guessing this year that will be much greater, given all the changes that are happening in the marketplace plans,” said Marianne Udow-Phillips, director of the Center for Healthcare Research and Transformation, on consumers switching health coverage during open enrollment.

    The Washington Post
  3. December 7, 2017

    Employees who do not have job security are significantly more likely to meet the criteria for depression than employees who feel secure in their careers, according to research by Sarah Burgard, associate professor of sociology, epidemiology and population studies, and Lucie Kalousova, doctoral student in health management and policy and sociology.

    Business Insider
  4. December 7, 2017

    Juan Cole, professor of history, calls the Trump administration’s announcement to move the U.S. embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem “the creation of a deadly and dreary reality that will get Americans blown up.”

  5. December 6, 2017

    A story about Patagonia denouncing the Trump administration’s decision to shrink two national monuments quoted Jerry Davis, professor of management and organizations, and of sociology, as saying the stand “seems highly consistent with Patagonia’s values and those of its employees and customers.”

    CBS News
  6. December 6, 2017

    Daniel Fisher, professor of earth and environmental sciences, and of ecology and evolutionary biology, and director of the Paleontology Museum, explains the importance of a second dig for mammoth bones on a farm near Chelsea.

  7. December 6, 2017

    Matt Stevenson, a postdoctoral research fellow in developmental psychology​, was quoted in a story about how moms don’t let dads help:​ “To a degree, this is a matter of giving a husband space in the house to come up (with) ways to show love and help.”​

  8. December 5, 2017

    “The promise of better environmental benefits has completely failed. There’s no doubt in my mind that the expansion we’ve seen so far has increased our greenhouse gas emissions,” said John DeCicco, research professor at the Energy Institute, whose research has shown that biofuels have increased, rather than decreased, carbon dioxide emissions.

    The New York Times
  9. December 5, 2017

    Julie Rosenthal, clinical instructor of ophthalmology and visual sciences at the Kellogg Eye Center, discussed the ethics of providing cataract surgery for a man dying of cancer.

    National Public Radio
  10. December 5, 2017

    “Legalization has the potential to increase marijuana use in all states because many will interpret legalization as a signal that marijuana use is safe and state-sanctioned,” said Richard Miech, research professor at the Institute for Social Research.
