In the News

  1. November 4, 2018

    Mark Moyad, director of preventive and alternative medicine in urology, says powder supplements containing natural animal- or plant-based sources are a good way of getting more protein. But other types of weight-gain supplements, especially pills that claim to build muscle, are not subject to much regulatory oversight and their long-term health risks aren’t known.

  2. November 1, 2018
    • Photo of Jenny Radesky

    “There’s a bit of a Wild West right now in terms of the children’s app space,” said Jenny Radesky, assistant professor of pediatrics and communicable diseases, whose study found that 95 percent of the most downloaded apps for kids ages 5 and younger target them with advertising.

    CBS News
  3. November 1, 2018
    • Photo fo Sally Oey

    Research by Sally Oey, professor of astronomy, and colleagues confirmed a collision between two Milky Way satellite galaxies, perhaps back in the dinosaur days: “This took place a hundred million years ago, but from an astronomical standpoint that’s quite recent history. At the time that happened, it was a pretty spectacular event.”

  4. November 1, 2018

    “In terms of well-being, the gap is even wider than it first looks. It’s precisely because lower-income households spend more of their money on housing. They are getting hurt more than the official statistics would suggest,” said Gabriel Ehrlich, director of the Research Seminar in Quantitative Economics, who noted that increases in the relative price of housing have increased real income inequality by 25 percent since 1970.

    The Washington Post
  5. October 31, 2018
    • Photo of Walter Mebane

    Walter Mebane, professor of political science and statistics, urges caution when attributing election anomalies to possible fraud: “The problem is that many of the patterns that look irregular according to many statistical methods can be produced by strategic behavior or normal politics. You can tell that the pattern was manipulated or looks unusual, but you can’t tell why.”

    Scientific American
  6. October 31, 2018
    • Photo of David Sandberg

    “Activists will say (these surgeries) are medically unnecessary. I would say these are elective surgeries — not urgent — but also not, by and large, purely cosmetic as they are altering function,” said David Sandberg, professor of pediatrics and communicable diseases, on the increasingly divisive battle over the medical risks and ethical fallout of opting for surgery to transform an intersex baby into a boy or a girl.

  7. October 31, 2018
    • Photo of Alexandra Rosati

    Research by Alexandra Rosati, assistant professor of psychology and anthropology, suggests that chimpanzees often make decisions faster that benefit others than themselves: “Ultimately, our results show that chimpanzee cooperation involves several cognitive mechanisms that parallel those seen in humans.”

    Xinhua (China)
  8. October 30, 2018
    • Photo of Lija Hogan

    Upcoming redistricting efforts will likely incorporate data gathered from social media, which could allow those in charge of drawing voting districts access to more voter information, such as, “what people have liked and preferred” or even “the types of ads that they’ve been exposed to,” said Lija Hogan, lecturer in information.

  9. October 30, 2018
    • Photo of Richard Curtin

    “Importantly, stock price declines, rising inflation and interest rates, and the negative midterm election campaigns, have not acted to undermine consumer confidence. Needless to say, consumers are not immune to these factors,” said Richard Curtin, director of the Surveys of Consumers at the Institute for Social Research.

  10. October 30, 2018
    • Photo of Nicole Bedera

    “Most organizations are very ill-equipped to deal with sexual harassment in any meaningful way. The result is that even people who support survivors of sexual assault would have a hard time seeing survivors as solving any problems by coming forward … but that isn’t so much a failing of survivors as the systems they report to,” said Nicole Bedera, doctoral student in sociology.

    Business Insider