In the News

  1. November 7, 2018
    • Photo of Robin Edelstein

    People with fond memories of their childhood tend to be healthier — not just in young adulthood but throughout their lives, according to research by Robin Edelstein, associate professor of psychology, and colleagues.

    MSN Lifestyle
  2. November 7, 2018
    • Photo of Michael Daugherty

    An article on the best “firework” music featured the work of Michael Daugherty, professor of music composition, whose violin concerto titled “Fire and Blood” is described as “full of suspense, hissing and flickering like a flame, and the movement ends with a bang.”

    BBC Music Magazine
  3. November 6, 2018
    • Photo of Rada Mihalcea

    Using artificial intelligence to detect when someone is lying, Rada Mihalcea, professor of computer science and engineering, achieved a 75 percent accuracy rate, but believes that technology is best used to augment what humans can do.

    Popular Science
  4. November 6, 2018
    • Photo of Sara Pozzi
    • Photo of Ciara Sivels

    “The U-M College of Engineering is becoming a more diverse and inclusive environment and Ciara’s story is a wonderful example of what we can achieve,” said Sara Pozzi, professor of nuclear engineering and radiological sciences, regarding Ciara Sivels, the first African-American woman to earn a Ph.D. in nuclear engineering at U-M who knew she was going to make history: “It was something that I thought about, but I tried not to make it the focus because I didn’t want to add more stress to the rigor of the program.”

  5. November 6, 2018
    • Photo of Nicholas Osborne

    “Rating systems are all over the place, and several studies have shown that hospitals use these ratings as a marketing strategy. We’re in real danger when we start replacing measures of quality with rating systems that may not measure or define what quality should be,” said Nicholas Osborne, assistant professor of surgery.

    Reuters / Business Insider
  6. November 5, 2018
    • Photo of Tony Reames

    “We want our work to impact policy, practice and activism. A key component of energy justice is procedural justice, ensuring meaningful public participation. Our hope is that our findings encourage people to get involved in the energy decision-making process and to be the voice of the voiceless,” said Tony Reames, assistant professor of environment and sustainability and founder of the Urban Energy Justice Lab.

  7. November 5, 2018
    • Photo of Carolyn Swenson

    Nearly half of women over age 50 report bladder leakage and many say it’s a major problem for them, but only a third have spoken to a doctor about it, according to research led by Carolyn Swenson, assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology.

  8. November 5, 2018
    • Photo of Paula Curtis

    “They have a very varied history across different social groups and classes. Part of it is the artisans putting themselves into the work, interpreting their experiences and cultural background through these tops,” said Paula Curtis, doctoral student in history, on the Japanese tradition of carving Edo-style spinning tops.

    The Washington Post
  9. November 4, 2018
    • Photo of Catherine Hausman

    “The industry’s incentives just aren’t fully there. Econ 101 tells us that when that’s the case you need regulation,” said Catherine Hausman, assistant professor of public policy, commenting on the oil and gas industry’s commitment to cut methane leaks.

  10. November 4, 2018

    If Jair Bolsonaro, Brazil’s newly elected far-right president “carries through on his rhetoric, we can expect tribal genocide, torture of dissidents and climate-altering destruction of Amazon forest. This is a nightmare scenario. I hope I am wrong,” said Christopher Dick, professor of ecology and evolutionary biology.

    Business Insider