In the News

  1. December 6, 2018
    • Photo  of Kevin Stange

    Kevin Stange, associate professor of public policy, and colleagues found that colleges and universities spend more money on providing courses in pre-professional programs and high-paying academic fields in science and engineering than on courses in the humanities and social sciences: “This variation in costs is a function of large differences in class size and, to a lesser extent, differences in average faculty pay.”

    Inside Higher Ed
  2. December 5, 2018
    • Photo of Mojtaba Navvab

    “Since the 1960s, the noise level in hospitals has gone up,” said Mojtaba Navvab, associate professor of architecture, who helped design acoustical changes to the university’s hospital corridors by adding acoustic tiles to hallway walls.

    The New York Times
  3. December 5, 2018
    • Photo of Rebecca Haffajee

    Rebecca Haffajee, assistant professor of health management and policy, said it remains to be seen how well China’s promised crackdown on fentanyl will be implemented: “(Overdoses) are still increasing and show few signs of falling down, so whatever we can do on that front to really stem the supply, almost all of which is from illicit manufacturing, should be helpful and impactful.”

  4. December 5, 2018
    • Photo of Samuel Gross

    “Are Trump’s tweets admissible evidence of witness tampering? Yes. Period. Would they be enough to convict a president who lies and cheats in plain view every week of the year, about matters small and huge, and gets away with it? Who knows?” said Samuel Gross, professor emeritus of law.

  5. December 4, 2018
    • Photo of Louise Willingale

    “We’re going a little bit more in the crazy direction, off into the unknown,” said Louise Willingale, assistant professor of electrical engineering and computer science, referring to experiments using U-M’s HERCULES, the world’s most intense laser, which can produce conditions like what one would see flaring off sources like pulsars, the rapidly spinning corpses of dead stars.

    National Geographic
  6. December 4, 2018
    • Photo of Marina Whitman

    “In the past with these kinds of changes, eventually new jobs have been created. Will it happen this time, or is the change taking place too fast for everybody to be absorbed? I don’t know,” said Marina Whitman, professor emerita of business administration and public policy, who believes mechanical engineers recently laid off by General Motors could transfer their skills to software or batteries with extra training.

    The Associated Press / The New York Times
  7. December 4, 2018
    • Photo by Katherine Freese

    Research by Katherine Freese, professor of physics, and colleagues suggests that direct evidence of notoriously elusive dark matter might be found on ancient rocks right here on Earth.

  8. December 3, 2018
    • Photo of Lutz Kilian

    Lutz Kilian, professor of economics, says lower gas prices won’t necessarily boost the U.S. economy: “There were similar declines in 2012 and we didn’t see much happen in terms of economic growth. I wouldn’t expect an economic stimulus to come from this.”

    PBS NewsHour
  9. December 3, 2018
    • Photo of Lindsay Admon

    Methamphetamine and opioid use has soared among pregnant American women — especially those in rural areas — putting the health of baby and mother at risk, according to research led by Lindsay Admon, clinical lecturer in obstetrics and gynecology.

    U.S. News & World Report
  10. December 3, 2018

    “It means that more people are paying attention to Donald Trump. That’s the takeaway. It’s just part of the zeitgeist,” said Adam Pritchard, professor of law, commenting on the uptick in IPO-bound companies citing the president and his administration as a potential risk to their business.

    Bloomberg News