In the News

  1. February 18, 2019
    • Photo of Justin Wolfers

    Justin Wolfers, professor of economics and public policy, says he’s optimistic about the U.S. economy, but is worried “that a small adverse shock could turn into something more calamitous with policy mistakes coming out of the White House.”

  2. February 18, 2019
    • Photo of Linda Lim

    “Many pro-Brexit Brits are taken with the idea that the U.K. doesn’t need to belong to a large bloc any more than its tiny former colony Singapore does. … Those excited about the prospects for ‘Singapore-on-Thames,’ though, might want to take a closer look at how Singapore itself works. Or doesn’t,” wrote Linda Lim, professor emerita of corporate strategy and international business.

  3. February 18, 2019
    • Photo of Roland Zullo

    The state of Michigan spent $90 million more to hire private contractors for engineering and design work than it would have if it had maintained that work in-house over just a three-year period, said Roland Zullo, associate research scientist at the U-M Economic Growth Institute and director of the Center for Labor and Community Studies at UM-Dearborn.

    Detroit Free Press
  4. February 17, 2019
    • Photo of Richard Miller

    “Until about the early 1990s, it was kind of laughable that you could develop a pill that would slow aging. It was sort of a science fiction trope. Recent research has shown that pessimism is wrong,” said Richard Miller, professor of pathology.

  5. February 17, 2019
    • Photo of Barry Rabe

    “It doesn’t commit or obligate these states to anything; they don’t force any formal decision or commitment, and so I think for a newly elected governor they are relatively easy steps to take that are symbolic,” said Barry Rabe, professor of public policy, environment and political science, on the pledge by a group of newly elected Democratic governors to meet the goals outlined in the Paris climate accord.

    The Washington Post
  6. February 17, 2019
    • Photo of Daniel Whitney
    • Photo of Mark Peterson

    About one in six children and teens younger than age 18 have at least one mental health disorder, but only half of them receive treatment from a mental health professional, according to a study by research fellow Daniel Whitney and associate professor Mark Peterson, both in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.

  7. February 14, 2019
    • Photo of Nicholson Price

    Nicholson Price, assistant professor of law, was interviewed about the regulations and legal liabilities of “black box medicine,” in which doctors increasingly rely on sophisticated algorithms to make health care recommendations.

  8. February 14, 2019
    • Photo of Valerie Vaughn

    Research by Valerie Vaughn, assistant professor of internal medicine, found that doctors frequently send discharged patients home with a prescription for risky antibiotics — even when the patients were taking less risky antibiotics in the hospital.

    Michigan Radio
  9. February 14, 2019
    • Photo of Michael Meyer

    Computer simulations run by Michael Meyer, professor of astronomy, and colleagues suggest Earth has a moderate climate because a massive star in the vicinity of the primordial solar system provided radioactive elements that evaporated some of the water: “But radioactive heating may not be enough. How can we explain our Earth, which is very dry, indeed, compared to planets formed in our models?”

    New Atlas
  10. February 13, 2019
    • Photo of Nell Duke

    Nell Duke, professor of education, said responsibility for supporting a high-quality literacy education cannot just fall to teachers: “District central administration also has important responsibilities, such as to ensure that every teacher has access to the tools that they need to support literacy development.”

    The Detroit News