In the News

  1. February 24, 2019
    • Photo of Daniel Eisenberg

    “One of the best parts of campuses is that we have this in-person community where we can support students, so why start doing things online? It’s a debate or question that’s hanging over higher education,” said Daniel Eisenberg, professor of health management and policy, who is helping to lead a large study to better understand the effectiveness of online treatment of college students who struggle with stress and depression.

    The New York Times
  2. February 21, 2019
    • Photo of Erin Cech

    Research by Erin Cech, assistant professor of sociology, and faculty associate at the Institute for Social Research, found that 43 percent of women with full-time jobs in science, technology, engineering and mathematics quit their jobs or go part-time after having their first child — compared to 23 percent of new fathers.

  3. February 21, 2019
    • Photo of Ryan Bailey

    New diagnostic tools such as machine learning and precision medicine may help identify tuberculosis patients with the highest risk of reactivation of the disease, according to research by Ryan Bailey, professor of chemistry: “A multi-array test can provide a more detailed, disease-specific glimpse into a patient’s infection and likely outcome.”

    Times of India
  4. February 21, 2019
    • Photo of Marianne Udow-Phillips

    “I do believe — I totally, sincerely believe — that nobody wants Michigan to look like Arkansas,” said Marianne Udow-Phillips, executive director of the Center for Healthcare Research & Transformation, comparing potential negative outcomes of a new Medicaid law in Michigan with one in Arkansas that resulted in thousands of poor people losing Medicaid eligibility.

    Bridge Magazine
  5. February 20, 2019
    • Photo of Deirdre de la Cruz

    “Honestly, most Filipinos have a lot more to worry about than being haunted by the ghost of King Philip,” said Deirdre de la Cruz, associate professor of history and anthropology, on the proposal by Filipino President Roberto Duarte to change the name of the Philippines to correct historical wrongs.

    Public Radio International
  6. February 20, 2019
    • Photo of William Elliott III

    “By changing the way parents and children think about their futures, Children’s Savings Accounts help cultivate a college-bound mentality, improve educational outcomes, encourage college completion and bolster post-college financial health,” said William Elliott III, professor of social work.

    New America
  7. February 20, 2019
    • Photo of Inés Ibáñez

    Inés Ibáñez, associate professor of environment and sustainability, and ecology and evolutionary biology, says a plan to plant genetically engineered trees throughout the United States to save dying forests shouldn’t be viewed as a silver bullet, but it may prove essential: “We may start losing species quite fast, and want to have this in our toolbox.”

    Independent (U.K.)
  8. February 19, 2019
    • Photo of Amelia Frank-Vitale

    “President Trump declared a national emergency as a pretext to allow him to begin construction of a border wall. But the real national emergency is here, in Honduras. … Honduran migration isn’t new; what is new is that they are doing it publicly, in large groups, and asking, collectively, for protection,” wrote Amelia Frank-Vitale, doctoral student in anthropology.

    The Washington Post
  9. February 19, 2019
    • Photo of Julie Rosenthal

    To reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration, eat lots of leafy greens, take multivitamins, don’t smoke, wear sunglasses, maintain a healthy weight and blood pressure, and find out if you have a family history of the disease, says Julie Rosenthal, clinical instructor of ophthalmology and visual sciences at the Kellogg Eye Center.

    U.S. News & World Report
  10. February 19, 2019
    • Photo of David Brophy

    “Uber needs to show it can control costs and can make money, basically provide a strong argument that its business model is not broken and that it can achieve and sustain profitability despite issues with drivers, customers and politicians,” said David Brophy, professor of finance.

    Reuters / The New York Times