In the News

  1. August 5, 2020
    • Headshot of Wayne Baker

    “Not asking for help is one of the most self-limiting, self-constraining, even self-destructive decisions we can make. Without the help and assistance of others, we don’t receive the resources that we need to get our work done, to solve problems, and to fulfill our missions in the world,” said Wayne Baker, professor of management and organizations, sociology, and organizational studies, and faculty associate at the Institute for Social Research.

  2. August 5, 2020
    • Headshot of Mark Clague

    Mark Clague, associate professor of musicology, says the national anthem was played only for opening day baseball games in the 19th century and played as patriotism surged during the First World War. The growing prevalence of public address systems contributed to its use, too, and it became the official anthem in 1931. “It became a kind of obligatory, essential community need to have ‘The Star-Spangled Banner’ played at every sporting event, to the point where it became a focus of the game,” he said.

    The Washington Post
  3. August 5, 2020
    • Headshot of Aubree Gordon

    Aubree Gordon, professor of epidemiology, believes many areas in Michigan could hold in-person classes for elementary schools, with reduced class sizes and no mixing of classrooms. The benefits, she says, are higher for younger children both academically and from an economic standpoint, especially for working parents: “You can’t just say, ‘There’s your computer, I’m going to my home office. Good luck today.’ to your 7-year-old.”

  4. August 5, 2020
    • Headshot of Matthew Lassiter

    “They understood something about race that Trump doesn’t understand. Voters don’t want racial privilege challenged, but they don’t want to be explicitly reminded that racism is underneath their position,” said Matthew Lassiter, professor of history, and urban and regional planning, who believes the president is unlikely to succeed with suburban voters because he’s not as subtle about race as were previous presidents Nixon and Reagan.

    The New York Times
  5. August 5, 2020
    • Jagadeesh Sivadasan

    “After a long period of technology leadership, the U.S. is in danger of being overtaken on a number of fronts. … Restricting foreign talent could move us further behind. … The main goal of the administration — of helping U.S. workers regain jobs lost during this pandemic — is laudable. But the wholescale ban on H-1B (visas) seems a very blunt approach,” said Jagadeesh Sivadasan, professor of business economics and public policy.

  6. August 5, 2020
    • Photo of Allison Earl

    While some people deliberately ignored the warnings from Day One, others who stuck to social distancing rules may have relaxed their caution after seeing reports that the coronavirus curve was flattened in the spring, said Allison Earl, associate professor of psychology and faculty associate at the Institute for Social Research. “People may recalibrate their judgment but they may not be accurate when they do,” she said.

    ABC News
  7. July 29, 2020
    • Hallie Prescott
    • Deena Kelly Costa

    “Having to tell a family that due to the circumstances, you’re not able to offer certain treatments — the thought of having those conversations is a strong motivation to do everything possible to avoid shortages in the first place,” said Hallie Prescott, assistant professor of internal medicine, in a story about how best to care for patients during a pandemic when there aren’t enough resources to go around. “It’s easier to produce a ventilator than a skilled ICU nurse,” said Deena Kelly Costa, assistant professor of nursing.

    National Geographic
  8. July 29, 2020
    • Peter Jacobson

    “We live in this horrible, polarized atmosphere. You have some people who believe the virus is a hoax, others think wearing a mask is a loss of freedom. … It’s not tyranny. It’s the government trying to keep us all safe,” said Peter Jacobson, professor emeritus of health management and policy. “If we don’t do the simple things such as masks and social distancing, we will have no choice but to lock down.”

  9. July 29, 2020

    “I don’t think there are any silver bullets here. This is a very different recession than ones that we’re used to. … But you know, there are lots of twists and turns that are going to happen before this one gets resolved,” said Susan Collins, provost and executive vice president of academic affairs, and professor of economics and public policy.

  10. July 29, 2020
    • Photo of Alexandra Minna Stern

    “The best reasons, or the most compelling reasons, of wanting kids to go to school is that they live in an unsafe environment — and school nutrition,” said Howard Markel, professor and director of the Center for the History of Medicine, who believes it is “not a good idea right now.” Alexandra Stern, professor and associate dean for the humanities, says there are “so many unanswered questions. And when there are unanswered questions about a deadly virus, one could argue that it makes most sense to follow the precautionary principle, which is, ‘Do the least harm.'”

    ABC News