In the News

  1. January 15, 2021
    • Headshot of Erik Gordon

    “Some of them are stopping because they’re genuinely chagrined at what they’ve seen, they’re chagrined by the actions of particular politicians, they’re questioning their roles. Others of them are just ducking for cover and we’ll see them back with their checkbooks open and their pens ready pretty quickly,” said Erik Gordon, clinical professor of business, on the suspension of political donations by large corporations after last week’s insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.

  2. January 15, 2021

    “For years, (major tech) platforms have evaluated what kinds of content are appropriate or not by evaluating the content in isolation, without considering the broader social and cultural context that it takes place in. We need to revisit this approach. We should rely on a combination of democratic principles, community governance and platform rules to shape behavior,” said Sarita Schoenebeck, associate professor of information.

    The Associated Press
  3. January 14, 2021
    • Christian Fong

    “Part of the reason people like to have the filibuster around is that it protects moderates of the majority party from the more extreme members of their own party. Even if you have the votes necessary, it may not be worth it because the opponents will make you spend 60 or 80 or 100 hours debating the bill,” said Christian Fong, assistant professor of political science.

  4. January 14, 2021
    • Headshot of Karan Chhabra

    Most patients transported by ambulance faced a potential surprise bill because the company providing the ride was out of network, allowing them to charge more, according to research by Karan Chhabra, clinical scholar at the U-M Institute for Healthcare Policy and Innovation: “Anecdotally, we hear of more people taking Uber or a Lyft, or having someone drive them to the emergency room to avoid an ambulance bill.”

    Bridge Magazine
  5. January 14, 2021
    • Myles Durkee

    “What makes it detrimental is the chronic pattern of doing this consistent mispronunciation. And the ripple effects from that are much more adverse, signaling to the individual that they’re less important, that they’re less valued,” said Myles Durkee, assistant professor of psychology, commenting on the mispronunciation of names that may be unfamiliar or uncommon.

    BBC News
  6. January 13, 2021
    • Headshot of Jenna Bednar

    “Our laws and the Constitution itself depend on a belief that those who violate them will be punished. Many lawmakers have condemned the president’s role in inciting the attack on the Capitol. If they do not follow up their words with real enforcement — removing the president from office — then they tell Americans that these laws do not matter,” said Jenna Bednar, professor of political science and public policy.

    The National Interest
  7. January 13, 2021
    • Christian Davenport

    “Biden’s criminal justice plan focuses on community crime prevention and expanding accountability of officer misconduct, but if he wants to help eradicate the excessive enforcement tactics we witnessed police using this summer, he need not look further than the 1970s,” co-wrote Christian Davenport, professor of political science. “Police in this period were less aggressive toward protesters, and pre-emptively engaged them such that force could be prevented before it even started.”

    Business Insider
  8. January 13, 2021

    Local officials administering COVID-19 vaccines would have been helped by better planning and coordination from state and federal officials, says Kayte Spector-Bagdady, assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology: “Now individual counties and institutions are really left to catch as catch can — to try and vaccinate the population in fair ways while trying to get more product from the feds to the states, and then use all the product they have.” 

    The New York Times
  9. January 12, 2021
    • Jonathan Hanson
    • Headshot of Josh Pasek

    Jonathan Hanson, lecturer in public policy, and Josh Pasek, associate professor of communication and media, believe that the armed statehouse protests in Michigan last May set the tone for the insurgents at the U.S. Capitol last week. “Seeing that you could march into the Capitol building in Michigan probably did give them ideas and those people went to D.C. with the intent that they could do the same thing,” Hanson said. Pasek added that “in neither case did the police really do what you would hope and expect them to do, to defend the institutions they were ostensibly defending. There’s discussion that maybe the police don’t view these folks as potentially dangerous, which is itself a misunderstanding of American history.”

  10. January 12, 2021
    • Celeste Watkins-Hayes

    Celeste Watkins-Hayes, professor of sociology and public policy, believes that the HIV safety net that has been in place since the 1980s can serve as a roadmap for rolling out an equitable and successful national vaccination for COVID-19: “The HIV community … has spent the last 40 years honing a holistic approach to public health that takes seriously the inequities that drive epidemics. By shoring up and expanding the HIV safety net, we have the opportunity to fight two of the most impactful infectious diseases of the present day by targeting the health disparities that drive both.”

    Detroit Free Press