In the News

  1. January 20, 2021
    • Photo of Erin Cech

    Research by Erin Cech, assistant professor of sociology, found that LGBTQ professionals in STEM are 30 percent more likely to experience workplace harassment compared with their non-LGBTQ peers. They’re also more likely to experience other career-related challenges, including social exclusion and professional devaluation, and to consider leaving their STEM profession entirely.

  2. January 20, 2021
    • Photo of Jerry Davis

    “Symbolically, it’s important that the Republican Party discovers that they cannot rely on Home Depot and other corporations,” says Jerry Davis, professor of management and organizations, on large companies pausing political contributions to former President Trump and his GOP allies. But “that’s a very old-school big business response. What’s interesting to me is that tech responds by deplatforming.”

    Christian Science Monitor
  3. January 20, 2021
    • Emily Toth Martin

    “We dodged anything that was sudden and fierce like we saw in other states. … It’s nice to see things plateauing but these numbers are so high, they would have terrified me in the fall,” said Emily Toth Martin, associate professor of epidemiology, commenting on the leveling off of COVID-19 cases in Michigan after the holidays.

  4. January 19, 2021
    • Photo of Paul Mohai
    • Headshot of Sara Hughes

    Paul Mohai, professor of environment and sustainability, says the charges against former Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder and the other officials for their role in the Flint water crisis are a step in the right direction toward environmental justice for the people of Flint. Sara Hughes, assistant professor of environment and sustainability, believes the indictments could result in tightened governmental immunity protections and prompt public officials to “circle the wagons,” but is hopeful that the case leads to politicians being held to a higher standard based on the public’s values.

    Detroit Free Press
  5. January 19, 2021
    • Photo of Yuen Yuen Ang

    “True to his promises of ‘America first,’ Trump withdrew the U.S. from its global leadership commitments, pared down its engagement overseas, and built a wall. He delivered exactly what his voters wanted. But his policy inevitably produced a consequence that U.S. leaders could not accept: China’s rising profile, as it stepped in to fill the leadership vacuum the U.S. left behind,” wrote Yuen Yuen Ang, associate professor of political science.

    South China Morning Post
  6. January 19, 2021
    • Headshot of Daniil Manaenkov

    “The issue of very, very different levels of unemployment in the different sectors of the economy is not going to go away until we allow our hotels and restaurants to go at near full capacity,” said Daniil Manaenkov, economist with the Research Seminar in Quantitative Economics, noting that industries like hospitality, which tend to be low wage and employ more Black and Latino workers, have been particularly hard hit by the pandemic.

  7. January 18, 2021
    • Bruce Pietrykowski

    “Having a collective group or an association is an important way of raising the visibility of Latino contractors. It also gets past the argument companies use like, ‘We don’t know where these people are, we can’t find them,'” said Bruce Pietrykowski, research scientist at the Institute for Research on Labor, Employment and the Economy, and associate professor of economics at UM-Dearborn. 

    Bridge Magazine
  8. January 18, 2021
    • Photo of William Elliott III

    “We can’t make racism go away easily. We can’t make gender inequality go away easily, right? But we can provide people with resources, and it has tangible effects on people’s lives,” said William Elliott III, professor of social work, commenting on “baby bonds,” a federal proposal to help close the racial wealth gap by giving every American child a bank account seeded with $1,000 that they could access at age 18.

  9. January 18, 2021
    • Headshot of Leah Litman

    “With just 10 votes, Republicans did not show they would join their Democratic colleagues in calls for unity to stand against mob violence, insurrection and election fraud, which suggests that the impeachment will do nothing to heal partisan divisions over the next four years,” said Leah Litman, assistant professor of law.

  10. January 15, 2021
    • Lara Coughlin

    Research by Lara Coughlin, assistant professor of psychiatry, found that more than half of people who used medical marijuana products to ease pain also experienced clusters of multiple withdrawal symptoms when they were between uses, and 1 in 10 experienced worsening changes to their sleep, mood, mental state, energy and appetite over the next two years as they continued to use cannabis.
