In the News

  1. May 19, 2021
    • Tim Kiska
    • Terri Laws

    Tim Kiska, associate professor of communication at UM-Dearborn, says many Detroiters in the 1950s didn’t get the polio vaccine that could have saved lives: “The parallels to today’s pandemic, and the lessons for all, are striking.” Terri Laws, assistant professor of health and human services, and African and African American studies, at UM-Dearborn, says “infectious diseases are diseases of overcrowding and poverty. And that’s one of the things we always talk about when we talk about life in the history of Detroit.” 

    Detroit Free Press
  2. May 19, 2021
    • Miranda Brown

    Culinary regionalism is common in China, with different areas associated with particular food products, says Miranda Brown, professor of Asian languages and cultures. This stems largely from the country’s vast size and diverse topography, which “leads to different culinary possibilities. That becomes a way that people start to identify places and regions and even people — by the foods that are best grown in those areas.”

  3. May 19, 2021
    • Photo of Emily Bilek

    “There’s no way to be a perfect parent,” said Emily Bilek, assistant professor of psychiatry. “There is no model for it, and yet, so many of us are striving for it in unhelpful ways, in ways that get in our own way. If I think being a good mom is essential to who I am, then I’m going to be much more vulnerable to perfectionism in that context.” 

  4. May 18, 2021
    • Photo of James Devaney

    James DeVaney, associate vice provost for academic innovation, addressed the impact of competition between massive open online course providers EdX and Coursera: “As each of these organizations defines their next stage of growth, the (one) that presents the clearest evidence that they are strengthening (universities) for the long run, in addition to bringing a very learner-centric approach to the market, will win over many university partners.”

  5. May 18, 2021

    “Across the business world, there is a growing need for employees with both the skills and capabilities to solve data-driven problems, and the acumen to connect the solutions to the organization’s business model,” said David Wooten, associate dean for one-year master’s programs at the Stephen M. Ross School of Business, announcing the launch of a new Master of Business Analytics program in 2022.

    Poets & Quants
  6. May 18, 2021
    • Photo of Len Niehoff

    “This is a clearly unconstitutional prior restraint on free speech. No responsible legislature would pass such a law, and no competent judge would uphold it,” said Len Niehoff, professor from practice at the Law School, commenting on a Michigan Republican state representative’s bill that would force journalists and others who perform fact checks to register with the state and insure themselves with a $1 million fidelity bond. 

    The Washington Post
  7. May 17, 2021
    • Photo of Tony Reames

    DTE Energy’s coal-fired power plants are disproportionately located in communities of color, according to research by Amy Jo Schulz, professor of health education and health behavior, and Tony Reames, assistant professor of environment and sustainability. “There are substantial health impacts of current energy production,” Schulz said. “And we have opportunities … to examine those and to modify decisions in ways that reduce harm, that also allows us to look at equity.”

    Energy News Network
  8. May 17, 2021
    • Photo of Linda Lim

    “I don’t think China will dump electric vehicles as a national state-sponsored strategy … because they don’t need to do so in order to reach scale economies — their own market is already the biggest and growing faster than elsewhere,” said Linda Lim, professor emerita of corporate strategy and international business. “They don’t need to export to become cheap, and if they do, there are plenty of other big markets in Asia that they can export to.”

    The Detroit News
  9. May 17, 2021
    • W. Carson Byrd

    To achieve true racial equity, colleges must talk honestly about their histories and values, says W. Carson Byrd, faculty director of research initiatives at U-M’s National Center for Institutional Diversity: “An integral piece of this conversation is that universities are a part of society, not separate from it. If we are to confront that racism is part of how other organizations operate, then we must better confront how universities are part of that reality as well.”

    Inside Higher Ed
  10. May 14, 2021
    • Photo of Howard Markel

    “The moonshot happened. We’re on the moon. … If you counted up all the lives that have been saved and all the disease prevented over the last 100 years, you’re talking the top 9 out of 10 greatest hits of medicine,” said Howard Markel, director of the Center for the History of Medicine, who believes the “moonshot” was developing and manufacturing safe and effective vaccines in record time.
