In the News

  1. October 19, 2021
    • Headshot of Anne Schott

    About one in 100 people diagnosed with breast cancer in the U.S. is a man — meaning the risk is small, but far from zero, says Anne Schott, professor of internal medicine and associate director for clinical research at the Rogel Cancer Center. “I would say that there is, in general, less awareness of breast cancer in men and certainly we don’t do mammographic screening. … Male breast cancer is more common in families, particularly with the BRCA2 mutation.”

    USA Today
  2. October 19, 2021
    • Headshot of David Mendez

    Although they represent just 12 percent of the U.S. population, African Americans have accounted for roughly 40 percent of all menthol-smoking-related premature deaths in the United States since 1980 — a total of 157,000 smoking-related premature deaths and 1.5 million years of life lost, according to research by David Mendez, associate professor of health management and policy, and technology and operations. 

  3. October 18, 2021
    • Photo of Kenneth Warner

    Ken Warner, dean emeritus of the School of Public Health, said the FDA’s authorization of an e-cigarette from R.J. Reynolds is a positive step for reducing the harms of smoking, but lamented that only a vaping device backed by a Big Tobacco company won the endorsement: “The demands the FDA places on companies filing these applications are so extraordinarily difficult to meet that only those with huge resources and personnel … are able to file successfully.” 

    The Associated Press
  4. October 18, 2021
    • Jeremy Bricker

    “To what extent is that concrete there because of the stuff that needs to be protected and to what extent is it part of the Japanese culture?” said Jeremy Bricker, associate professor of civil and environmental engineering, on Japan’s use of barriers such as concrete dams, sea walls and tetrapods to protect against natural disasters.

    The New York Times
  5. October 18, 2021
    • Headshot of Erin Cech

    “There seems to be this sentiment that, ‘security be damned, we’re trying to find meaning,’” said Erin Cech, associate professor of sociology, on how the pandemic has encouraged many to take stock of their lives, quit their jobs and find happiness and fulfillment in new careers. Her research shows the pursuit of stability, income and status has been overtaken by what she calls “the passion principle,” which is now a central factor in career decision-making. 

    Financial Times
  6. October 15, 2021
    • Headshot of Domenica Sweier

    “Health care providers and policymakers should seek solutions to better identify and address how cost and other factors act as barriers to dental care among older adults,” said Domenica Sweier, clinical professor of dentistry, commenting on research from U-M’s Institute for Healthcare Policy & Innovation that shows only 53 percent of Americans aged 65 to 80 have dental coverage.

  7. October 15, 2021
    • Headshot of Rogério Pinto

    Art has the ability to help people understand and work through difficult feelings and ideas, says Rogério Pinto, associate professor of social work: “ The pursuit of art-based projects and the experience of visual and performing arts can be really good for one’s well-being. As you begin to be able to heal yourself … some space begins to open within yourself so that now you can accommodate someone else or you can begin to accommodate the plight of another person.”

    Pride Source
  8. October 15, 2021
    • Photo of Joan Nassauer

    “They are the ecosystem that is really the most endangered,” said Joan Nassauer, professor of environment and sustainability. “Wetlands were in the way of agriculture, so they were drained. They were in the way of developments, so they were filled. So what we have left is just a fraction of what we had before.”

    WXYZ / Detroit
  9. October 14, 2021
    • Headshot of Adam Lauring

    As the number of vulnerable hosts dwindles and transmission slows, COVID-19 will have fewer opportunities to mutate. And the evolution rate could also slow down as the virus becomes better adapted to humans. “There’s low-hanging fruit,” said Adam Lauring, associate professor of microbiology and immunology, and ecology and evolutionary biology. “So there are certain ways it can evolve and make big improvements, but after a while … it’s figured out all the easy ways to improve.”

    The New York Times
  10. October 14, 2021
    • Photo of Marcus Collins

    “When you say climate change is real and happening, what do I do about that today? The message hasn’t been as immediate, and the behaviors not as tangible,” said Marcus Collins, clinical assistant professor of marketing, who believes awareness alone isn’t enough and that just as the “Don’t Mess With Texas” anti-littering campaign in the 1980s tapped into state pride to spark action, climate crisis communications should use a similar approach.

    Fast Company