In the News

  1. December 2, 2021
    • Headshot of Elyce Rotella

    Elyce Rotella, lecturer of economic history, says the invention of the typewriter — along with other pieces of technology like adding machines and the Dictaphone — was a critical factor driving women into the office: “All of these machines transform the office and dramatically increase the size of the clerical labor force and create opportunities for women. But the typewriter is key. It’s not the key, but it is certainly crucial.” 

  2. December 1, 2021
    • Headshot of Reuven Avi-Yonah

    “When the American public sees giant and highly profitable corporations paying no tax, it undermines their faith that the tax code is fair. … Making companies pay at least 15 percent in taxes on the profits they report to shareholders sounds like a good idea because it is. It’s a smart policy that will improve the tax code and help finance investments in the nation’s future,” wrote Reuven Avi-Yonah, professor of law.

  3. December 1, 2021
    • Betsey Stevenson

    “I think that inflation in 2022 will be at a lower rate than inflation in 2021. … Sometimes when people think about inflation, they think that the problem is the price is getting higher. But the problem is really demand outstripping supply, and inflation is a way to bring that into balance,” said Betsey Stevenson, professor of public policy and economics.

  4. December 1, 2021
    • Headshot of Adam Lauring

    “I don’t think there’s anything unique about Michigan,” said Adam Lauring, associate professor of microbiology and immunology, on the state’s COVID-19 surge. “This is exactly what happened in November of last year. The timing is almost exact. … Until we build up enough immunity, through vaccination or infection, we’re going to continue to have these surges.” 

    The Guardian (U.K.)
  5. November 23, 2021
    • Emily Toth Martin

    “For the flu vaccine, I think we have a complicated puzzle to solve this year,” said Emily Martin, associate professor of epidemiology. “I think our communities at large have been so COVID-focused for so long that this is kind of an opportunity to get this back on the table and say, “Remember the flu? I know it was gone last year but it’s definitely back.”

    WDIV / Click on Detroit
  6. November 23, 2021
    • Preeti Malani

    Rates of COVID-19 infection, hospitalization and positive test results have soared over the last two weeks in Michigan to some of the worst levels of the pandemic. “If you overlay the most vaccinated counties with the ones that are having the most cases right now, there’s a relationship,” said Preeti Malani, U-M’s chief health officer and professor of internal medicine. “There’s only a few counties that have (a) majority vaccinated, and they’re faring better overall.”

    The Detroit  News
  7. November 23, 2021
    • Richard Primus

    “If, over time, (Supreme Court) decisions are made partly by the nominees of each party, then both parties feel they have a stake in the institution,” said Richard Primus, professor of law. But if decisions are made only by one party’s appointees, “the other party’s sense that the game is fair is going to take a hit — and even more so if that party has won the popular vote in seven of the last eight presidential elections and still has no prospect of appointing a court majority.”

    The Atlantic
  8. November 22, 2021
    • Headshot of Lindsey Mortenson

    While 98 percent of the U-M student body is vaccinated against COVID-19, only about a third has had the flu shot. “There’s vaccine fatigue, and they think that the COVID vaccine protects against the flu virus, which it doesn’t. So, I think there’s a lot of work that we can do to keep our campus educated,” said Lindsey Mortenson, medical director of the University Health Service.

    CBS News
  9. November 22, 2021
    • Photo of Jeremy Kress

    “Saule (Omarova) is widely regarded as one of the top financial regulatory scholars in the world. Whether you agree with her, or disagree with her, you can’t have a complete debate about current topics in U.S. banking law and U.S. financial regulation without taking into account what Saule has written on the topic,” said Jeremy Kress, assistant professor of business law, commenting on President Biden’s nominee to head the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, which is responsible for regulating the assets held by more than 1,000 banks.

    National Public Radio
  10. November 22, 2021
    • Photo of Joel Slemrod

    When governments focus on audits, taxpayers tend to fall in line to avoid tangling with the taxman, says Joel Slemrod, professor of economics and faculty director of the Office of Tax Policy Research: “The preponderance of the evidence suggests the deterrence effect of enforcement on evasion is clear and, in many cases, substantial. … Surprisingly, just getting a letter from a tax agency improves compliance. That’s what I call the ‘you’re-on-our-radar’ effect.” 
