In the News

  1. January 19, 2022
    • Photo of Jerome Nriagu

    Ceramics, aluminum cookware, spices, paint and informal recycling of lead-acid car batteries are some of the sources of lead exposure prevalent in developing countries, although some lead sources found in rich nations also plague poor ones. “A lot of homes in African countries still have lead pipes, and nobody is talking about getting rid of them or what problems they’re creating,” said Jerome Nriagu, professor emeritus of environmental health sciences.

  2. January 19, 2022
    • Headshot of Brian Stewart

    Research on fossils that suggests modern humans are 30,000 years older than we thought could shift the thinking about where and how humans evolved in Africa, says Brian Stewart, assistant professor of anthropology: “If the more modern-looking Omo specimens turn out to fall squarely within that time envelope, we may need to think twice before we toss out a single origin model altogether, especially one that sees our species evolving across a single interconnected region that was much larger than previously imagined.”

  3. January 18, 2022
    • Luann Ewald
    • Photo of Laraine Washer

    “I am very worried. There’s a very real chance that we won’t have enough beds to care for … critically ill children if the spread of omicron continues to increase,” said Luann Ewald, chief operating officer at C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital. Lorraine Washer, clinical professor of infectious diseases, said, “Now is not the time to let down your guard and get infected because you believe it’s inevitable that you’ll be infected anyway, or to get it over with, or because you perceive your risk of severe disease as low.” 

    Michigan Radio
  4. January 18, 2022
    • D. André Green

    “What really makes (monarch butterflies) special is they can act as a sentinel for our interaction with the planet. Their migration covers an entire continent,” said D. André Green, assistant professor of ecology and evolutionary biology. “If we look at this population size by counting the number of monarchs that make it to Mexico, that number has been declining pretty consistently over the past two decades,” because of climate change and agricultural practices.

    PBS Nova
  5. January 18, 2022
    • Katherine Michelmore

    Katherine Michelmore, associate professor of public policy, says the long-term effects of a permanent tax credit would be positive for the U.S. economy, as children who grow up in families with higher incomes “tend to do better in school, they’re more likely to graduate from high school. It might be 50 years down the road but there will be more cost savings in the future.”

    NBC News
  6. January 17, 2022
    • Photo of Bhramar Mukherjee

    “This new strategy will affect data from rural India or certain states in a disproportionate way. It will be harder to predict upcoming hotspots and epicenters,” said Bhramar Mukherjee, professor of biostatistics, epidemiology and global health, on India’s easing of COVID-19 rules on testing, quarantine and hospital admissions in a bid to free up resources for its neediest people.

  7. January 17, 2022
    • Image of Richard Friedman

    “Nobody looked at this and said Republicans must have won Michigan because of what these people said. It just strikes me as very weak. … They should have known full well that they lost, and the essence of democracy is recognizing that you lost,” said Richard Friedman, professor of law, on falsified documents signed by 16 Republicans who asserted they were Michigan’s presidential electors in 2020.

  8. January 17, 2022
    • Image of Trina R. Shanks

    “Detroit’s single family housing market is in dire need of new ideas and programs to make home ownership more available to median income households. The conventional mortgage market is not working in the city, and has not worked for many years,” co-wrote Trina Shanks, professor of social work. “We are in a once-in-a-lifetime moment, where substantive federal investments are flowing into Detroit. Let’s focus these infrastructure investments in a way that benefits Detroiters.”

    Detroit Free Press
  9. January 14, 2022
    • Pamela Davis-Kean

    The abrupt shift to remote learning in spring 2020 had a negative impact on students and parents, says Pamela Davis-Kean, professor of psychology and research professor at the Institute for Social Research: “Education, since the Industrial Revolution, has been in the institution of schooling. We moved it back to the home. The parents were the ones who had to make sure to connect the kids. They had to have the resources in the home to connect the kids.”

  10. January 14, 2022
    • Dae Hee Kwak

    “I would not be surprised that the sponsors would remain silent. You could potentially lose business,” said Dae Hee Kwak, associate professor of sport management and director of the Center for Sports Marketing, on the potential hazards for major corporate sponsors of the Beijing Winter Olympics — companies trying to remain quiet about China’s human rights record.

    The Washington Post